Security Engineering. Ross Anderson
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Figure 5.15: Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
5.5.3 Counter encryption
Feedback modes of block cipher encryption are falling from fashion, and not just because of cryptographic issues. They are hard to parallelise. With CBC, a whole block of the cipher must be computed between each block input and each block output. This can be inconvenient in high-speed applications, such as protecting traffic on backbone links. As silicon is cheap, we would rather pipeline our encryption chip, so that it encrypts a new block (or generates a new block of keystream) in as few clock ticks as possible.
The simplest solution is to use AES as a stream cipher. We generate a keystream by encrypting a counter starting at an initialisation vector:
Additive stream ciphers have two systemic vulnerabilities, as we noted in section 5.2.2 above. The first is an attack in depth: if the same keystream is used twice, then the xor of the two ciphertexts is the xor of the two plaintexts, from which plaintext can often be deduced, as with Venona. The second is that they fail to protect message integrity. Suppose that a stream cipher were used to encipher fund transfer messages. These messages are highly structured; you might know, for example, that bytes 37–42 contain the sum being transferred. You could then cause the data traffic from a local bank to go via your computer, for example by an SS7 exploit. You go into the bank and send $500 to an accomplice. The ciphertext
The usual way of dealing with this is to add an authentication code, and the most common standard uses a technique called Galois counter mode, which I describe later.
5.5.4 Legacy stream cipher modes
You may find two old stream-cipher modes of operation, output feedback mode (OFB) and less frequently ciphertext feedback mode (CFB).
Output feedback mode consists of repeatedly encrypting an initial value and using this as a keystream in a stream cipher. Writing IV for the initialization vector, we will have
Cipher feedback mode is another kind of stream cipher, designed for use in radio systems that have to resist jamming. It was designed to be self-synchronizing, in that even if we get a burst error and drop a few bits, the system will recover synchronization after one block length. This is achieved by using our block cipher to encrypt the last
5.5.5 Message authentication code
Another official mode of operation of a block cipher is not used to encipher data, but to protect its integrity and authenticity. This is the message authentication code, or MAC. To compute a MAC on a message using a block cipher, we encrypt it using CBC mode and throw away all the output ciphertext blocks except the last one; this last block is the MAC. (The intermediate results are kept secret in order to prevent splicing attacks.)
This construction makes the MAC depend on all the plaintext blocks as well as on the key. It is secure provided the message length is fixed; Mihir Bellare, Joe Kilian and Philip Rogaway proved that any attack on a MAC under these circumstances would give an attack on the underlying block cipher [212].
If the message length is variable, you have to ensure that a MAC computed on one string can't be used as the IV for computing a MAC on a different string, so that an opponent can't cheat by getting a MAC on the composition of the two strings. In order to fix this problem, NIST has standardised CMAC, in which a variant of the key is xor-ed in before the last encryption [1407]. (CMAC is based on a proposal by Tetsu Iwata and Kaoru Kurosawa [967].) You may see legacy systems in which the MAC consists of only half of the last output block, with the other half thrown away, or used in other mechanisms.
There are other possible constructions of MACs: the most