Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials. Jing-Feng Li

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Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials - Jing-Feng Li

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      1.5.2 Measurement of Converse Piezoelectric Coefficient by Laser Interferometer

      The displacement of piezoelectric materials under an electric field is concerned as piezoelectric materials usually serve as actuators. However, the displacement is too small to be easily measured in a routine method. With very high resolution and no need for calibration on the length scale, optical interferometry provides the chance for the precise measurement of small displacements within units of nanometer [31–35]. Besides, optical interferometry can achieve the measurement without mechanical contact. Interferometry techniques for the detection of strains have been developed for nearly 50 years. However, at present, this method is still mainly used in research laboratories due to its high price and the need of vibration insulation system.

      Piezoelectric coefficients can be measured using single beam, double beam, and heterodyne laser interferometers. For simplicity, the principle for the case based on a single beam laser interferometer is mainly discussed here.

      (1.17)upper I equals StartAbsoluteValue upper E Subscript normal p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis plus upper E Subscript normal r Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue squared equals StartAbsoluteValue upper E Subscript normal p Baseline 0 Baseline e Superscript i left-brace italic w t minus 2 k left-parenthesis d plus increment d right-parenthesis right-brace Baseline plus upper E Subscript normal r Baseline 0 Baseline e Superscript i left-parenthesis italic w t minus 2 italic k d right-parenthesis Baseline EndAbsoluteValue squared equals upper E Subscript normal p Baseline 0 Superscript 2 Baseline plus upper E Subscript normal r Baseline 0 Superscript 2 Baseline plus 2 upper E Subscript normal p Baseline 0 Baseline upper E Subscript normal r Baseline 0 Baseline cosine left-parenthesis 2 k increment d right-parenthesis equals upper I Subscript normal p Baseline plus upper I Subscript normal r Baseline plus 2 StartRoot upper I Subscript normal p Baseline upper I Subscript normal r Baseline EndRoot cosine left-parenthesis 4 pi increment d slash lamda right-parenthesis

      where Ip and Ir are the intensities of the probing and reference beams, respectively, Δd is the optical path‐length difference between the two beams, and k = 2π/λ is the wave number. Actually, the abovementioned relation can be converted into the formula with the parameters, the maximum and minimum interference light intensities Imax and Imin, which can be measured by a photo‐detector.

      (1.18)upper I equals 1 slash 2 left-parenthesis upper I Subscript max Baseline plus upper I Subscript min Baseline right-parenthesis plus 1 slash 2 left-parenthesis upper I Subscript max Baseline minus upper I Subscript min Baseline right-parenthesis cosine left-parenthesis 4 pi upper Delta d slash normal lamda right-parenthesis

Schematic diagram of Michelson interferometer for the measurement of displacement, depicting a monochromatic light interfering with a reference beam.

      In a photodetector, the corresponding photodiode output is determined by the light intensity related to the optical path‐length Δd, which is directly related with the sample displacement. An amplified output voltage signal corresponding to the displacement can be obtained, which is usually monitored by an oscilloscope. A definite relationship exists between the voltage output and the displacement. According to the relationship, interferometer sensitivity can be actually set to a specific value, say, 10 nm/V. The changes of the sample dimension are induced by the connection and the disconnection of voltage to the sample. The dimension changes by the identical applied voltage are measured multiple times. The averaged measured value and the connected voltage are used to calculate the piezoelectric charge constant d33, which is governed by the following equation:

      (1.19)d 33 equals normal upper Delta l slash upper U

      where U is the applied voltage and Δl is the change of length determined by multiplying the voltage output of the interferometer and its sensitivity.

      (1.20)d Subscript 33 comma e f f Baseline equals d 33 minus 2 d 31 StartFraction s 13 Superscript normal upper E Baseline Over s 11 Superscript normal upper E Baseline plus s 12 Superscript normal upper E Baseline EndFraction

      where Sij is the mechanical compliance of the piezoelectric film and d31 is the transverse piezoelectric coefficient.

      Proper mounting of the sample is also very important to obtain the actual piezoelectric coefficients. It has been reported that the measured d33 of the same disk specimen of PC5H (Morgan Electro Ceramics) showed different values ranging from 750 to 1250 pC/N when simply changing the way the sample was mounted [34]. The accuracy is also strongly affected by small vibrations or abnormal conditions during the measurement. Thus, the measurements using the laser interferometry should be carried out with great caution and patience, though this type of measurement method is simply based on acquiring the displacement value of the sample surface induced by the corresponding applied voltage.

      1.5.3 Resonance and Anti‐resonance Method

      Both the quasi‐static method and the laser interferometry method are used for the direct measurements of d33/d31. In contrast to the two aforementioned methods, the resonance and anti‐resonance method, or the frequency method can be applied to determine the complete tensor matrix of the material coefficients [21, 36, 37]. These coefficients can be derived by the raw set of measured parameters including resonant frequencies, density, and sample dimensions. The detailed procedure for the determination of these coefficients can be found in the European standard EN 50324‐2:2002 and the world standard CEI/IEC 60483:1976.

      For this

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