Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials. Jing-Feng Li
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Material constants such as piezoelectric coefficient d, dielectric coefficient ε, and elastic coefficient s are anisotropic in general. They are usually described by tensor components written in a simplified matrix form according to the point‐group symmetry of the materials. For piezoelectric ceramics, the complete matrix of the coefficients of electromechanical properties can be written as follows:
Based on the IEEE standards [22], the requirement of the sample dimensions and the complete matrix of piezoelectric constants can be established as illustrated in Figure 1.7 [37].
After acquiring the entry parameters, namely, resonant frequencies, antiresonant frequencies, capacitance, density, and sample dimensions, we can calculate the electromechanical coupling coefficients, according to which elastic coefficients
Figure 1.7 Establishing the complete set of material coefficients defined by IEEE standards [37].
Source: Reprinted with permission from Fialka and Benes [37]. Copyright 2013, IEEE.