Advances in Electric Power and Energy. Группа авторов
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The proposed method is general and can be extended to any number of GPUs connected in a cluster. Results show that more GPUs can reduce expected computation time. Result comparisons verified the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method. In addition, the performance of the slow coherency method as the partitioning tool was analyzed, and it was concluded that for different fault locations in the system, results derived from this method had lower amounts of error.
Chapter 14 is “Dishonest Gauss Newton Method‐Based Power System State Estimation on a GPU”, by Md. Ashfaqur Rahman and Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy. The authors acknowledge that real‐time power system control requires accelerating the computation processes. While many methods to speed up the computational process are available, it is worthwhile to explore current parallel computation technology to develop faster estimators. The authors use the term “dishonest Gauss Newton method,” but the technique is based on the PARTAN (short for Parallel tangent). Their study concerns a graphics processing unit (GPU) implementation. As the method is not explored extensively in the literature, its accuracy is investigated first. Then different aspects of the parallel implementation are explained. It takes a few hundreds of microseconds for IEEE 118‐bus systems, which are found to be the fastest in the existing reported times. For very large systems, the required configuration of a GPU and the corresponding time are also estimated. Finally, the distributed method‐based parallelization is also implemented.
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