Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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planes in Figure 2.2 contains four or more satellites. The European Galileo and Chinese BeiDou use three orbital planes separated in longitude by 120°. Galileo has plans for 10 MEO satellites in each orbital plane. Glonass also used three orbital planes while maintaining a nominal 24 satellite constellation. GNSS augmentation or regional satellite‐based navigation systems are most often placed in GEO or IGSO over the region to be services; these satellites will have an orbital period of 24 hours.

Geometry depicting the key parameters that are used to describe a GNSS satellite that orbits the Earth. Geometry of six orbit planes, each containing four or more satellites, inclined 55 degrees from the equatorial plane.

      2.3.2 Navigation Solution (Two‐Dimensional Example)

      Antenna location in two dimensions can be calculated by using range measurements [3]. Symmetric Solution Using Two Transmitters on Land




c = speed of light (0.299 792 458 m/ns)
ΔT1 = time taken for the radiowave to travel from transmitter 1 to the user (ns)
ΔT2 = time taken for the radiowave to travel from transmitter 2 to the user (ns)
X, Y = unknown user position to be solved for (m)

      The range to each transmitter can be written as

Graph depicting two transmitters located in the same plane with known two-dimensional positions.

      Thus, for the symmetric case, we obtain



      To obtain the least‐squares estimate of (X, Y), we need to minimize the quantity


      which is


      The solution for the minimum can be found by setting ∂J/∂Δx = 0 = ∂J/∂Δy, then solving for Δx and Δy:



      with solution


      The solution for Δy may be found in similar fashion as

      (2.14)equation Navigation Solution Procedure

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