Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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X, Y equal to their initial estimates:


      Compute the range errors:


      Compute the θ angle (see Figure 2.3):


      Compute update to user position:



      Compute a new estimate of position using the update:

      Continue to compute θ, ΔR1, and ΔR2 from these equations with new values of images. Iterate Eqs. (2.15)(2.20) and stop when Δx and Δy become less than the desired accuracy:



      2.3.3 User Solution and Dilution of Precision (DOP)

      The DOP can be interpreted as the dilution of the precision from the measurement (i.e. range) domain to the solution (i.e. PVT) domain.

      The observation measurement equations in three dimensions for each satellite with known coordinates (xi, yi, zi) and unknown user coordinates (X, Y, Z) are given by

      where images is the pseudorange to the ith satellite and Cb is the residual satellite clock bias and receiver clock bias, where an estimate of the satellite clock error from the GNSS ground control segment has been removed from Cb.

      These are nonlinear equations that can be linearized using the Taylor series (see, e.g., chapter 5 of Ref. [4]). The satellite positions may be converted to east–north–up (ENU) from Earth‐centered, Earth‐fixed (ECEF) coordinates (see Appendix B).

      Let the vector of ranges be Zρ = h(x), a nonlinear function h(x) of the four‐dimensional vector x representing user solution for position and receiver clock bias and expand the left‐hand side of this equation in a Taylor series about some nominal solution xnom for the unknown vector


      of variables,

X = east component of the user's antenna location (m)
Y = north component of the user's antenna location (m)
Z = upward vertical component of the user's antenna location (m)
C b = receiver clock bias (m)

      for which


      where HOT stands for “higher‐order terms.”


      where H[1] is the first‐order term in the Taylor series expansion:

      for vρ is the noise in receiver measurements. This vector equation can be written in scalar form where i is the satellite number as

      for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (i.e. four satellites).

      (see table 5.3 in Ref. [4]).

      To calculate H[1], one needs satellite positions and the nominal value of the user's position in ENU coordinate frames.


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