Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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create numerical errors in the real‐time computer methods used for integrating attitude rates and acceleration, and they can damage the sensors used. These effects can be mitigated at the interface between INS and host by using shock and vibration isolators (generally made from “lossy” elastomers) to dampen the high‐frequency components of contact forces.

      Because inertial navigation systems perform integrals of acceleration and attitude rates, these integrals need initial values.

      Initialization is a procedure for obtaining an initial value of the navigation solution.

      Rotational orientation or attitude refers to the angular pose of a rigid object in three‐dimensional space relative to the axes of a coordinate system.

      Leveling uses the accelerometers to measure the upward acceleration required to counter gravity, from which the system can determine the orientation of its ISA relative to local vertical. For inertially stabilized systems, the stable element (ISA) is physically leveled during this process (hence the name).

      Gyrocompassing is a procedure for estimating the direction of the Earth's rotation axes with respect to ISA coordinates, using its gyroscopes. This and the direction of the local vertical then determines the north–south direction, so long as the stationary location is not in the vicinity of the poles. Given these two directions, the INS can orient itself relative to its location on the Earth. The term gyrocompassing is a reference to the gyrocompass, an instrument introduced toward the end of the nineteenth century to replace the magnetic compass on iron ships. The gyrocompass uses mechanical means to orient itself relative to north, whereas the INS requires a computer. For some inertially stabilized systems, gyrocompassing physically aligns the ISA with its level sensor axes pointing north and east.

      Magnetic alignment uses the directions of sensed acceleration (from countering gravity) and the local magnetic field to orient itself. This does not work where the magnetic field is close to vertical (near the magnetic poles), and it can be compromised by magnetic materials warping the local magnetic field.


      3.3.1 Gyroscopes Momentum Wheel Gyroscopes (MWGs)

       Bearing Technologies

      A limiting design factor in momentum wheel gyroscope (MWG) performance has been bearing torque, which has been addressed by going from sleeve bearings to jewel bearings, to ball bearings, to air bearings, and to electrostatic bearings. Even though electrostatic suspension is inherently unstable, it can achieve very low bearing torques. Perhaps the most accurate momentum wheel gyroscopes to date were the superconducting electrostatic gyroscopes used in a theoretical physics experiment named “Gravity Probe B” [4], a NASA‐funded program to resolve two fine points of Einstein's theory. It was able to achieve drift rate accuracies in the order of images deg/h, but only in a zero‐g environment, and at enormous cost. Unfortunately, scaling down the size of momentum wheel gyroscopes tends to scale up the ratio of surface area to angular momentum, which scales up angular drift rates due to bearing torques.

       Whole‐angle Gyroscopes

       Rate Gyroscopes

      These use torques applied to the spinning rotor to keep its spin axis aligned with its enclosure. The spin axis rotational slewing rate is then proportional to the applied torque. There are also rate gyroscopes that do not use momentum wheels.

       Axial Mass Unbalance Torques

      If the center of mass of the rotor of a momentum wheel gyroscope is not concentric with its center of support, then the offset between the downward gravitational force on its mass and the upward force supporting it will create a torque. The component of that torque perpendicular to the spin axis of the rotor will then cause the rotor angular momentum to precess about the applied vertical force. It is an acceleration‐sensitive error torque due to axial mass unbalance that is difficult to avoid within manufacturing tolerances. It is commonly mitigated by calibrating its magnitude and compensating for it during operation. Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes (CVGs)

       Tuning Fork Gyroscopes

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