Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_171b8bb3-c8f7-5c69-9495-5c4993146766">Figure 3.5 Common input–output error types. Electrostatic


      3.3.3 Sensor Errors Additive Output Noise

      Sensor noise is most commonly modeled as zero‐mean additive random noise. As a rule, sensor calibration removes all but the zero‐mean noise component. Models and methods for dealing with various forms of zero‐mean random additive noise using Kalman filtering are discussed in Chapter 10. Input–output Errors

      The ideal sensor input–output function for rotation and acceleration sensors is linear and unbiased, meaning that the sensor output is zero when the sensor input is zero.

      1 bias, which is any nonzero sensor output when the input is zero;

      2 scale factor error, usually due to manufacturing tolerances;

      3 nonlinearity, which is present in most sensors to some degree;

      4 scale factor sign asymmetry (often from mismatched push–pull amplifiers);

      5 lock‐in, often due to mechanical stiction or (for ring laser gyroscopes) mirror backscatter; and

      6 quantization error, inherent in all digitized systems.

      Theoretically, one can recover the sensor input from the sensor output so long as the input–output relationship is known and invertible. Lock‐in (or “dead zone”) errors and quantization errors are the only ones shown with this problem. The cumulative effects of both types (lock‐in and quantization) often benefit from zero‐mean input noise or dithering. Also, not all digitization methods have equal cumulative effects. Cumulative quantization errors for sensors with frequency outputs are bounded by images one‐half least significant bit (LSB) of the digitized output, but the variance of cumulative errors from independent sample‐to‐sample A/D conversion errors can grow linearly with time.

      In inertial navigation, integration turns white noise into random walks. Error Compensation

      The accuracy demands on sensors used in inertial navigation cannot always be met within the tolerance limits of manufacturing, but can often be met by calibrating those errors after manufacture and using the results to compensate them during operation. Calibration is the process of characterizing the sensor output, given its input. Sensor error compensation is the process of determining the sensor input, given its output. Sensor design is all about making that process easier. Another problem is that any apparatus using physical phenomena that might be used to sense rotation or acceleration may also be sensitive to other phenomena, as well. Many sensors also function as thermometers, for example.


      where the ellipsis “images” allows for the effects of more variables to be compensated. The functional characterization is usually done using a set of controlled input values and measured output values. The next problem is to determine its inverse,


      and use it with independently sensed values for the variables involved – images (sensor output), images (compensated accelerometer output) and images (temperature) in this example.

Schematic illustration of the procedure of gyro error compensation using the example of a gyroscope.

      There are also methods using nonlinear Kalman filtering and auxiliary sensor aiding for tracking and updating compensation parameters that may drift over time.

      3.3.4 Inertial Sensor Assembly (ISA) Calibration


      where images is a vector representing the inputs (accelerations or rotation rates) to three inertial sensors with nominally orthogonal input axes, images is a vector representing the corresponding outputs, images is a vector of sensor output biases, and the corresponding elements of images are labeled in Figure

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