Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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Geodetic Latitude Rate


      and geodetic latitude can be maintained as the integral


      where images is height above (+) or below (images) the ellipsoid surface and images will be in radians if images is in meters per second and images and images are in meters.

       Transverse Radius of Curvature

Image of a transverse osculating circle depicting that the plane of a transverse osculating circle does not pass through the center of the Earth.


      where images is the semimajor axis of the generating ellipse and images is its eccentricity.

       Longitude Rate

      The rate of change of longitude as a function of east velocity is then


      and longitude can be maintained by the integral


      where images is height above (images) or below (images) the ellipsoid surface and images will be in radians if images is in meters per second and images and images are in meters. Note that this formula has a singularity at the poles, where cos(images, a consequence of using latitude and longitude as location variables.

       WGS84 Reference Surface Curvatures

      • Mean geocentric radius is about 6371 km, from which it varies by –14.3 km (–0.22%) to +7.1 km (+0.11%).

      • Mean meridional radius of curvature is about 6357 km, from which it varies by –21.3 km (–0.33%) to 42.8 km (+0.67%).

      • Mean transverse radius of curvature is about 6385 km, from which it varies by –7.1 km (–0.11%) to +14.3 km (+0.22%).

      3.4.5 Attitude Models

      Attitude models for inertial navigation represent

Chart depicting the radii versus geodetic latitude of a WGS84 reference ellipsoid model represented by transverse, geocentric and meriodional curves.

      1 The relative rotational orientations of two coordinate systems, usually represented by coordinate transformation matrices but also represented in terms of rotation vectors.

      2 Attitude dynamics, usually represented in terms of three‐dimensional rotation rate vectors but also represented by four‐dimensional quaternion. Coordinate Transformation Matrices and Rotation Vectors

      Appendix B on is all about the coordinates, coordinate transformation matrices, and rotation vectors used in inertial navigation. Attitude Dynamics

      Rate gyroscopes used in inertial navigation measure components of a rotation rate vector

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