Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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alt="images"/> in ISA‐fixed coordinates, which had historically been used to express its effect on a coordinate transformation matrix images from ISA coordinates to the coordinates for integration in terms of a linear differential equation of the sort


      which is not particularly well‐conditioned for numerical integration.

      The alternative representation in terms of quaternions is described in Section and (in greater detail) in Appendix B.


      3.5.1 Initialization from an Earth‐fixed Stationary State Accelerometer Recalibration Initializing Position and Velocity

      Velocity. Zero, by definition.

      Position. From GNSS, if available, otherwise from local sources – e.g. signs or local auxiliary sensors (see Section Initializing ISA Attitude

      Using auxiliary sensors. Non‐gyroscopic attitude sensors can also be used as aids in alignment. These include the following:

Image depicting how gyrocompass alignment of stationary vehicles uses the sensed direction of acceleration to determine the local vertical and the sensed direction of rotation to determine north.

      Star trackers are used primarily for space‐based or near‐space applications. The Snark cruise missile and the U‐2 spy plane used inertial‐platform‐mounted star trackers to maintain INS alignment on long flights, an idea attributed to Northrop Aviation.

      Optical alignment systems have been used on some systems prior to launch. Some use Porro prisms mounted on the inertial platform to maintain optical line‐of‐sight reference through ground‐based theodolites to reference directions at the launch complex.

      Quasi magnetostatic sensors have been used in virtual reality systems for determining the attitude and position of the headset relative to its environment. These use three orthogonal and independently coded low‐to‐medium frequency magnetic dipole sources to illuminate the local area where rotational and locational orientation data is required, and three‐axis AC magnetic sensors as receivers. Gyrocompass Alignment Accuracy

      Gyrocompass alignment is not necessary for integrated GNSS/INS navigation, although many INSs may already be configured for it.


      A rough rule‐of‐thumb for gyrocompass alignment accuracy is



        is the minimum achievable root‐mean‐square (RMS) alignment error in radians,

        is the RMS accelerometer accuracy in 's,

        is the RMS gyroscope accuracy in degrees per hour,

       15 deg/h is the rotation rate of the Earth, and

        is the latitude at which gyrocompassing is performed.

      Alignment accuracy is also a function of the time allotted for it, and the time required to achieve a specified accuracy is generally a function of sensor error magnitudes (including noise) and the degree to which the vehicle remains stationary.

      Strapdown implementation. Gyrocompass alignment for strapdown systems is a process for “virtual alignment” by determining the sensor cluster attitude with respect to navigation coordinates using only the sensor outputs while the system is essentially stationary.

      Error‐free implementation. If the sensor cluster could be firmly affixed to the Earth and there were no sensor errors, then the sensed acceleration vector images in sensor coordinates would be in the direction of the local vertical, the sensed rotation vector images would be in the direction of the Earth rotation axis, and the unit column vectors



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