Bioinformatics. Группа авторов
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19 AppendicesFigure 6.A.1 Pseudo-computer code for the fill order of V(i,j) and W(i,j). Thi...Figure 6.A.2 The filled V(i,j) array for sequence GCGGGUACCGAUCGUCGC.Figure 6.A.3 The filled W(i,j) array for sequence GCGGGUACCGAUCGUCGC.Figure 6.A.4 Illustrations of maximum hydrogen bond conformations as found by ...Figure 6.A.5 Flowchart for structure traceback. Traceback starts by placing 1,...Figure 6.A.6 The secondary structure of rGCGGGUACCGAUCGUCGC with 17 hydrogen b...
1 Cover
2 Table of Contents
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