Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems. M. Kemal Ozgoren

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Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems - M. Kemal Ozgoren

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is reversed, Eq. (1.15) becomes


      According to Eq. (1.12), θqp = θpq. However, according to the right‐hand rule,


      Therefore, images. This verifies the well‐known characteristic feature of the cross product that its outcome changes sign when the order of its multiplicands is reversed. That is,


Vector diagram of a reference frame.

      In Eq. (1.22), A is the origin of images. The origin of images may also be denoted as Oa. The coordinate axes of images are oriented so that each of them is aligned with one member of the following set of three vectors, which is denoted as images and defined as the basis vector triad of images.


      All the reference frames that are used in this book are selected to be orthonormal, right‐handed, and equally scaled on their axes.

      A reference frame, say images, is defined to be orthonormal if its basis vectors are mutually orthogonal and each of them is a unit vector, i.e. a vector normalized to unit magnitude. The orthonormality of images can be expressed by the following set of equations that are obeyed by its basis vectors for all i ∈ {1, 2, 3} and j ∈ {1, 2, 3}.

      In Eq. (1.24), δij is defined as the dot product index function, which is also known as the Kronecker delta function of the indices i and j.

      A reference frame, say images, is defined to be right‐handed if its basis vectors obey the following set of equations for i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, j ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and k ∈ {1, 2, 3}.

      In Eq. (1.25), εijk is defined as the cross product index function, which is also known as the Levi‐Civita epsilon function of the indices i, j, and k. It is defined as follows:

      Of course, the cross product formula in Eq. (1.25) produces nonzero results only if the indices i, j, and k are all distinct. Therefore, by allowing the indices i, j, and k to assume only distinct values, i.e. by allowing ijk to be only such that ijk ∈ {123, 231, 312; 321, 132, 213}, the considered cross product can also be expressed by the following simpler formula, which does not require a summation operation.

      In Eq. (1.27), σijk is designated as the cross product sign variable, which is defined as follows only for the distinct values of the indices i, j, and k.


      Owing to the numerical index notation, Eq. (1.29) can also be written compactly as follows:

      In Eqs. (1.29) and (1.30), images is defined as the kth component of images in images. It is obtained as


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