The Restaurant, A Geographical Approach. Olivier Etcheverria

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The Restaurant, A Geographical Approach - Olivier Etcheverria

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1870, the ‘Alsatian brasserie’ appeared on the initiative of Alsatians who had withdrawn to Paris, serving both beer and Alsatian cuisine (sauerkraut, pork shanks, herring apples in oil, veal head, flambé pie, etc.). The brasserie is in fashion.” [BON 13, p. 292, author’s translation]

      From the 1860s onwards, brasseries refined their decor (Zimmer in 1862 on Place du Châtelet, Bofinger in 1864 on Place de la Bastille, Lipp in 1880 on Boulevard Saint-Germain, Mollard in 1895 on Rue Saint-Lazare). They thus became showcases of the decorative Art Nouveau and Art Deco style (Le Vaudeville in 1918 on Place de la Bourse, La Coupole in 1927 on Boulevard du Montparnasse).

      At the beginning of the 20th Century, restaurants serving regional and foreign cuisine developed, as in the Latin Quarter:

      The restaurant Méditerranée opened on Place de l’Odéon:

      “It was fishing, Place de l’Odéon, which led to the Méditerranée, where Provençal cuisine was to find one of its great Parisian homes, the spiritual heirs of the Frères Provençaux, as later on the Relais de Porquerolles, rue de l’Éperon. In Méditerranée, decorated by Vertès in southern tones, grilled wolves with fennel, fried scampi in tartar sauce, crustaceans and bouillabaisse were appreciated by artists in writing or prestidigitation, with Cocteau and Picasso mainly. Following blackcurrant and rosé from the Var, the stuffed mussels looked as good as in Bandol or Cannes; it is one of the graces of our time to have been able to see Paris, the center of the globe, receive at home in the desired way so strange or so distant that it seemed.” [HER 56, p. 284, author’s translation]

      Similarly, “Châtaignier, rue du Cherche-Midi, despite its very simple service, offered nothing to anyone, but its pike with white butter and nutmeg being better than in Nantes or Saint-Nazaire and the quality of all its dishes remaining perfect.” [HER 56, p. 284, author’s translation]


      However, René Héron de Villefosse points out that: “This does not mean that between these two world wars the taste of foreign cuisine was not within reach of our jaws. You could go around the world in 12 restaurants…” [HER 56, p. 285, author’s translation]

      Valérie Ortoli-Denoix points out: “Accessible to a large number of people financially and locally, Parisian restaurants are exploding in various directions. The most characteristic extension is to the south.” [ORT 90, p. 24, author’s translation] Especially in the western part of the left bank.

      Jean-Robert Pitte therefore specifies that:

      “Throughout the 20th Century, this distribution persisted. A diffusion is carried out even in the peripheral districts of the capital and the suburbs, but for nine-tenths of them, the establishments are all located west of a railway line from East Bastille to Porte d’Orléans.” [PIT 91, pp. 172–173]

      “The restaurant had become a true cultural institution, among the most familiar and distinctive of Parisian landmarks. Until well after the middle of the 19th Century, restaurants were to remain an almost exclusively Parisian phenomenon, one rarely encountered outside the French capital.” [SPA 00, p. 2]

      She specifies:

      “For even by the middle of the 19th Century, restaurants were still an overwhelmingly urban phenomenon, inventions of the capital and icons of its pleasures. To be conversant with the protocols, rituals, and vocabulary of restaurant going was to be quintessentially Parisian and supremely sophisticated.” [SPA 00, p. 172]

      So how did restaurants spread outside the capital?

      1 1 The Ancien Régime is a French term for the political and social system of France from the Late Middle Ages until 1789.

      2 2, accessed September 22, 2018.

      3 3 Ibid.

      4 4 Ibid.

      5 5 Ibid.

      6 6 Ibid.

      7 7 Book republished by Les éditions de l’Épure.

      8 8 See Jeanne Gaillard, Paris la ville, 1851–1870, Honoré Champion, Paris, 1976.

      9 9, accessed January 3, 2019.


      The Geographical Diffusion of Restaurants in Provinces by Cities and City Networks


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