Inseminations. Juhani Pallasmaa

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Inseminations - Juhani  Pallasmaa

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show us who we are, probably in a more exhaustive way with respect to the objectifying approach of the natural sciences. Being human squares with the ability to ask ourselves who we are. Since the beginning of mankind, artistic creativity has expressed such ability in its purest and highest form’, Gallese writes.49

      Altogether, there are three categories of giving human meaning to our being‐in‐the‐world: religion (or myth), science and art. The first is based in belief and faith, the second on rationality and knowledge, and the third on emotion and experience. Eliasson's works usually fuse or short‐circuit the categories of science and art, and give rise to a sublime experience, which can even invoke religious forebodings. While many of his works project sublime experiences, they can also reverse or contradict the viewer's expectations. In a concrete perceptual sense, his mirror works create infinitely repeating spaces or endless perspectival corridors. In his installation at the Louisiana Museum in Copenhagen, the modernist white interior of the Museum was turned into a landscape of rocks, gravel and water, reversing time as if the landscape that existed there before the construction of the museum had taken over. His works in the Bregenz Museum, designed by Peter Zumthor, turned the white minimalist museum interiors into landscapes of water, water plants and fog – the man‐made architectural space turns into a jungle.

      The relationship of reality and art is not as simple and self‐evident as we might think. ‘Nothing is more abstract than reality’, Giorgio Morandi states thought-provokingly,50 while another great artist, Alberto Giacometti gives another advice on the problematic relationship of reality and art: ‘The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity’.51 Neither does science reproduce reality, it reveals its inner structure.

      → beauty; biophilic beauty

      Sarah Robinson, Juhani Pallasmaa, editors, Mind in Architecture: Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design, Cambridge, MA, and London: The MIT Press, 2007, 66–68

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