Society of Singularities. Andreas Reckwitz

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Society of Singularities - Andreas Reckwitz

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can be followed without any ifs, ands, or buts – unemotionally and, if necessary, even reluctantly. The ethical, on the contrary, is part of the social logic of the particular and is related to ways of life as a web of practices that are regarded as intrinsically good by their participants. The ethical does not apply to everyone but rather occurs as a dimension of singularization in the form of individual ethics and particular-group ethics. In extreme cases, it can sanctify the good and, unlike morality, it is typically imbued with a narrative or aesthetic quality. In this sense, not only can subjects and collectives acquire an ethical quality – objects, events, or places can become ethically charged bearers of the good as well.

      Let us turn now to the quality of creativity. Above, I maintained that production represents an essential bundle of practices within the social logic of singularities. This does not only create unique entities, however, but can itself be regarded as singular – that is, as something that has its own intrinsic value and as something that affects participants. This intrinsic value belongs to the creative process as such.21 In this sense, if it has an intrinsic structure, this is not a matter of mere “production” but rather a praxis of creation in which elements are arranged in a way that results in innovatively or artistically perfected forms. The contemporary term “design” covers at least one aspect of this creative practice. The second is that it involves dealing with materialities (that is, materials and media of various sorts) and dealing with idealities (with symbols or narratives, for instance). Under certain circumstances, such practice can be interpreted as expressive, as the expression of the subject (or also a collective) in an object, but it can also be dramatized in a singular creative act or have the character of a subtle and quotidian reproduction.22

      Narrative, aesthetic, ethical, creative, and ludic qualities are not inherent to objects, subjects, places, times, and collectives; the latter only gain these qualities within the social logic of singularities, with its valorizations and de-valorizations. Individual entities are instilled with these qualities – or not. On the macro-level, the culturalization of the social thus includes more specific processes for turning social entities into narratives, aestheticizing them, and making them ethical, creative, or ludic.24

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