Profit Maximization Techniques for Operating Chemical Plants. Sandip K. Lahiri

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Profit Maximization Techniques for Operating Chemical Plants - Sandip K. Lahiri

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maintenance using the outputs of the predictive maintenance model in their daily work.

      1 Step 2: This step involves extracting insights using the machine learning algorithm. The purpose of this step is to select and run the appropriate machine learning algorithm and doing the actual maths and number crunching. The objective is to find the patterns in the data and feature selection. Though a sophisticated AI‐based algorithm is capable of finding all the features in the data, involvement of domain experts during this process helps to generate insights and improve the ability to explain the evolved solutions. Creating new features just helps the machine to find patterns more easily and also helps humans to describe and act on these patterns.


      The downstream part of the insights value chain is comprised of non‐technical components. It involves people, processes, and business understanding that – through a systematic approach – these new data‐driven insights can be operationalized via an overall strategy and operating model (Holger Hürtgen, 2018).

      2.7.1 Turning Insights into Action

      Once we have extracted important insights from the models, the next crucial step starts: turning these insights into action in order to generate a business impact. An example would be when a predictive maintenance model gives you warning as to when a compressor or some asset might break down, but maintenance is still required. It is very crucial to understand that just knowing the probability of a breakdown is not sufficient; prevention, not prediction, is the key to business impact. Turning insights into action thus requires two things: first, to understand the insights coming from the data analytics and to know what to do. Second, even once it becomes clear what action needs to be taken, success will depend on when and how that action is taken. This step is very crucial. Knowledge generation by data analytics software is not sufficient; taking corrective and preventive actions from these insights is the key driver for business impact.

      2.7.2 Developing Data Culture

      The long‐term success of digital transformation requires a company to develop a data culture. This essentially means developing a culture so that all of the business decisions of the company would be based on data analytics and the regular employees of the company would be equipped to implement the data analytics insights into their day‐to‐day actions. A company's internal structure and reward systems should be adopted in such a fashion that promotes the data culture.

      2.7.3 Mastering Tasks Concerning Technology and Infrastructure as Well as Organization and Governance

      In this step, the organization work process, culture, responsibility hierarchy, governance structure, etc., need to be changed in such a way that will facilitate organizations to take action on the insights from advanced analytics and create an impact. An organization needs the right set of easy‐to‐use tools – e.g. dashboards or recommendation engines – to enable personnel to easily generate business insights and a working environment that facilitates the integration of those insights, e.g. governance that enables and manages the necessary changes within the organization.

      1 Holger Hürtgen, N.M. (2018). Achieving business impact with data. Retrieved September 25, 2019, from website:

      2 Ji, X., He, G., Xu, J., and Guo, Y. (2016). Study on the mode of intelligent chemical industry based on cyber‐physical system and its implementation. Advances in Engineering Software, 99: 18–26.

      3 Klei, A., Moder, M., Stockdale, O., Weihe, U., & Winkler, G. (2017). Digital in chemicals: From technology to impact. Retrieved September 25, 2019, from website:

      4 Wang, X.Z. (1999). Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery – An Overview.

      3.1 Implementing a Profit Maximization Project (PMP)

      In the following sections, each of these steps is discussed.

      3.1.1 Step 1: Mapping the Whole Plant in Monetary Terms

      The aim of a profit maximization project is to maximize the profit generation in dollar per hour terms and sustain the profit at its peak value. Hence the first step of a PMP project is to calculate how much USD/h profit is generating from the plant in every hour on a real‐time basis. As a first step this is done by considering the whole plant as a big black box and mapping it as raw material and utilities as input to the black box and product waste and vent losses as output from the box. The value of each of these inputs and outputs are then calculated as a USD/h term. This gives an overall idea of how much profit is generating from the whole plant. In a second step, a more detailed calculation was done to estimate the USD/h generated or consumed in each major process equipment for the whole plant. Mapping the whole process in USD/h terms makes it

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