Profit Maximization Techniques for Operating Chemical Plants. Sandip K. Lahiri

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Profit Maximization Techniques for Operating Chemical Plants - Sandip K. Lahiri

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where the actual loss of profit is occurring and to focus on that. This also combines different performance parameters usually used in process industries, like energy efficiency, yield, selectivity, specific consumption of utilities, etc., in a single cost framework and in order to make it easy to visualize the whole process in a single unit of measurements. This will help to access the current operation of the plant and gives an indication of where to focus in order to increase profit.

      3.1.2 Step 2: Assessment of Current Plant Conditions


      3.1.3 Step 3: Assessment of the Base Control Layer of the Plant

      The regulatory proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) control loop forms the base layer of a control system. It is of the utmost importance to assess the performance of the base control layer and improve upon it before trying to build a PMP application over it. In this step an overall assessment of the base control layer was performed scientifically and corrective steps were taken to rectify limitations, if any. This essentially means identification of any problems in control valves (like hysteresis, stiction, valve oversize, or undersize phenomena), measuring sensors (like noise, range of instruments, calibration, etc.), PID controller tuning, oscillation in process parameters, etc., and application of various techniques like controller tuning, maintenance of control valves, calibration of instruments, etc., to rectify the problems (Lahiri, 2017a). Enhancement of control performance actually reduces the variations in key economic parameters of a process and then the DCS panel engineer is able to push the process further near to its constraints. Using only this step, a 1–5% increase in profit has been reported in various literatures by various global chemical companies.

      3.1.4 Step 4: Assessment of Loss from the Plant

      3.1.5 Step 5: Identification of Improvement Opportunity in Plant and Functional Design of PMP Applications

      Before building a PMP application for a process, the concerned chemical engineer must understand all the relevant aspects of the process, its various limitations, how it makes profit, and what area can be exploited to increase profit. As a starting step, the PMP engineer usually surveys PFDs and P&IDs of the process under study, meets with operations engineers and a specialized work force, and finds all the opportunities and constraints to increase profit in a plant. In this step the PMP engineer usually assesses the current operation, analyzes historical data, understands the various safety and process constraints and equipment limitations, etc. A functional design aims to identify all the existing opportunities to increase the plant profit (Lahiri, 2017c). In this step, the PMP engineer formulates various profit improvement strategies and identifies all potential applications where application of data analytics and modeling and optimization techniques can be applied to improve profit. A preliminary feasibility study is undertaken to identify whether an APC application can be implemented. In this step, an overall idea and forward path is made regarding which PMP application will be used and where to tap into the profit increase opportunity. A functional design step basically provides a map of every opportunity and which methods will be used to exploit a particular opportunity. The success of the profit maximization will greatly depend on how the functional design is formulated in order to tap into the potential margins available in the process. This step requires synergy between expertise and experience of the domain engineer or plant process engineer and the PMP engineer.

      3.1.6 Step 6: Develop an Advance Process Monitoring Framework by Applying the Latest Data Analytics Tools

      3.1.7 Step 7: Develop a Real‐Time Fault Diagnosis System

      Disruption of whole operations due to malfunctions of various process equipment is very common in chemical plants. In the worst case, due to malfunction of compressors,

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