Accountable Leaders. Vince Molinaro

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Accountable Leaders - Vince  Molinaro

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How Do Truly Accountable Leaders Set Themselves Apart? Final Thoughts Notes Chapter 5 Leadership Accountability at the Team Level Teams Have Transformed Teams and Accountability—the Critical Connection The Core Characteristics of Truly Accountable Teams Accountable Teams—What the Research Reveals Final Thoughts Notes Chapter 6 Leadership Accountability at the Culture Level Culture: The Number One Asset and Number One Liability What Exactly Is Culture? What Kind of Leadership Culture Would Enable You to Be at Your Best? A Community of Leaders—the Current State Final Thoughts Notes

      5  Part 3 The Organizational Response—for All Leaders Chapter 7 How to Hold Others Accountable for Being Leaders Make Leadership Accountability a Priority in How You Lead Define Your Leadership Expectations Increase the Resilience and Resolve of Your Direct Reports Help Your Leaders Succeed Within the Broader Organization Final Thoughts Notes Chapter 8 How to Build an Accountable Team Make Leadership Accountability a Priority with Your Team Define Your Team’s Obligation Increase the Resilience and Resolve of Your Team Be One Team with a United Front Final Thoughts Notes Chapter 9 How to Be a Community Builder Commit to Being a Community Builder Think One-Company and Act in the Best Interest of Your Organization Create the Foundation to Tackle the Hard Work Support the Success of Your Peers and Colleagues Final Thoughts Note

      6  Part 4 The Organizational Response for Senior Executives and Directors Chapter 10 Make Leadership Accountability a Priority in Your Company Leadership Accountability—the Critical Business Issue Conduct a Leadership Accountability Audit Lead a Strategic Leadership Conversation Final Thoughts Notes Chapter 11 Define and Embed Clear Leadership Expectations Leadership Expectations in Action—the Amazon Story The Benefits of Having a Simple, Clear, and Inspiring Leadership Contract The Failure Path to Avoid Create a Clear Set of Leadership Expectations A Company-Specific Leadership Contract in Action Final Thoughts Notes Chapter 12 Do the Hard Work to Sustain Momentum Demonstrate Zero Tolerance for Bad and Abusive Leadership Behavior Address Your Unaccountable and Mediocre Leaders Head-On Be Mindful of Whom You Put into Leadership Roles Support Leaders at Critical Turning Points Final Thoughts Notes Chapter 13 Foster a Community of Leaders Across Your Organization Assess Your Leadership Culture Look for Leaks in Your Leadership Culture Enable Relationship-Building Among Your Leaders Evolve Your Leadership Expectations as Your Company Changes Final Thoughts Note

      7  Conclusion

      8  Acknowledgments

      9  Index

      10  About the Author


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