Linux Bible. Christopher Negus

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Linux Bible - Christopher Negus

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the “Use colors from system theme” box to go back to the default colors.

      8 Go to your Profile window. There are other features with which you may want to experiment, such as setting how much scrolled data is kept.

      9 Close the Profile window when you are finished. You are now ready to use your Terminal window.

      If you are using Linux from a graphical desktop, you will probably most often access the shell from a Terminal window.

      Using virtual consoles

      Most Linux systems that include a desktop interface start multiple virtual consoles running on the computer. Virtual consoles are a way to have multiple shell sessions open at once in addition to the graphical interface you are using.

      You can switch between virtual consoles by holding the Ctrl and Alt keys and pressing a function key between F1 and F6. For example, in Fedora, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F2, F3, F4, and so on up to F6 on most Linux systems) to display one of seven virtual consoles. The GUI is typically located on one of the first two virtual consoles, and the other six virtual consoles are typically text-based virtual consoles.

      You can return to the GUI (if one is running) by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1. On some systems, the GUI may run on a different virtual console, such as virtual console 2 (Ctrl+Alt+F2). Newer systems, such as Fedora 29, now start the gdm (the login screen) persistently on tty1 to allow multiple simultaneous GUI sessions: the gdm is on tty1, the first desktop is started on tty2, the second desktop is started on tty3, and so on.

      Try it right now. Hold down the Ctrl+Alt keys and press F3. You should see a plain-text login prompt. Log in using your username and password. Try a few commands. When you are finished, type exit to exit the shell and then press Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Ctrl+Alt+F2 to return to your graphical desktop interface. You can go back and forth between these consoles as much as you like.

      In most Linux systems, your default shell is the bash shell. To find out what is your default login shell, enter the following commands:

       $ who am i chris pts/0 2019-10-21 22:45 (:0.0) $ grep chris /etc/passwd chris:x:13597:13597:Chris Negus:/home/chris:/bin/bash

      Notice that the command-line examples shown here and throughout the book show the command followed by output from that command. When the command completes, you are presented with the command prompt again.

      The who am i command shows your username, and the grep command (replacing chris with your username) shows the definition of your user account in the /etc/passwd file. The last field in that entry shows that the bash shell (/bin/bash) is your default shell (the one that starts up when you log in or open a Terminal window).

      It's possible, although not likely, that you might have a different default shell set. To try a different shell, simply type the name of that shell (examples include ksh, tcsh, csh, sh, dash, and others, assuming that they are installed). You can try a few commands in that shell and type exit when you are finished to return to the bash shell.

       You are used to using UNIX System V systems (often ksh by default) or Sun Microsystems and other Berkeley UNIX-based distributions (frequently csh by default), and you are more comfortable using default shells from those environments.

       You want to run shell scripts that were created for a particular shell environment, and you need to run the shell for which they were made so that you can test or use those scripts from your current shell.

       You simply prefer features in one shell over those in another. For example, a member of my Linux Users Group prefers ksh over bash because he doesn't like the way aliases are used with bash.

      Although most Linux users have a preference for one shell or another, when you know how to use one shell, you can quickly learn any of the others by occasionally referring to the shell's man page (for example, type man bash). The man pages (described later in the section “Getting Information about Commands”) provide documentation for commands, file formats, and other components in Linux. Most people use bash just because they don't have a particular reason for using a different shell. The rest of this chapter describes the bash shell.

      Bash includes features originally developed for sh and ksh shells in early UNIX systems, as well as some csh features. Expect bash to be the default login shell in most Linux systems that you are using, with the exception of some specialized Linux systems (such as some that run on embedded devices) that may require a smaller shell that needs less memory and requires fewer features. Most of the examples in this chapter are based on the bash shell.


      The bash shell is worth knowing not only because it is the default in most installations, but because it is the one you will use with most Linux certification exams.

      The simplest way to run a command is just to type the name of the command from a shell. From your desktop, open a Terminal window. Then enter the following command:

       $ date Thu Jun 29 08:14:53 EDT 2019

      Entering the date command, with no options or arguments, causes the current day, month, date, time, time zone, and year to be displayed as just shown.

      Here are a few other commands you can try:

       $ pwd /home/chris $ hostname mydesktop $ ls Desktop Downloads Pictures Templates Documents Music Public Videos

      The pwd command shows your current working directory. Entering hostname shows your computer's hostname. The ls command lists the files and directories in your current directory. Although many commands can be run by just entering command names, it's more common to type other characters after the command to modify its behavior. The characters and words that you can type after a command are called options and arguments.

      Understanding command syntax

      Most commands have one or more options that you can add to change the command's behavior. Options typically consist of a single letter preceded by a hyphen. However, you can group single-letter options together or precede each with a hyphen to use more than one option at a time. For example, the following two uses of options for the ls command are the same:

       $ ls -l -a -t $ ls -lat

      In both cases, the ls command is run with the -l (long listing), -a (show hidden dot files), and -t options (list by time).

      Some commands include options that are represented by a whole word. To tell a command to use a whole word as an option, you typically precede it with a double hyphen (--). For example, to use the help option on many commands, you enter --help on the

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