Homeschooling For Dummies. Jennifer Kaufeld

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Homeschooling For Dummies - Jennifer  Kaufeld

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Georgia 180 days Oklahoma 180 days Hawaii None Oregon None Idaho None Pennsylvania 180 days Illinois None Rhode Island Same as schools Indiana 180 days South Carolina 180 days Iowa N/148 days South Dakota Same as schools Kansas 186 days Tennessee 180 days Kentucky 185 days Texas None Louisiana 180 days Utah None Maine 175 days Vermont None Maryland None Virginia N/180 days Massachusetts 900 hrs elementary 990 hrs secondary/180 days Washington 180 days Michigan None West Virginia 180 days Minnesota None Wisconsin 875 hrs Mississippi None Wyoming None Missouri 1,000 hrs

      Most of the homeschool hassles occur at the local school level. Someone sends out a letter from the superintendent’s office requesting all kinds of information that homeschoolers legally have no obligation to provide, and people get all stirred up. One person calls the state board of education, another calls the legislature, and a third calls a journalist. Before you know it, the school system has a huge mess on its hands, all because somebody got a little nosy.

      Situations like this happen every single year in school systems around the country. The same school system usually doesn’t do it more than once or twice (bad press is not good when you rely on the public for funds and you’re seen as oppressing the poor homeschoolers), but it does occur. And it may happen in your community.

      Or you may receive a phone call from your local school system demanding information or an interview. Usually the education folks leave the homeschoolers alone because they have plenty to do searching out the true truants. Once in a while, though, you may meet someone on a power trip, or an official who truly doesn’t know what’s going on, and that’s where the misunderstandings begin. If this happens at your house, your best safeguards are well-informed and courteous answers.


This section is in no way intended to guide you legally. If you need legal advice, your best bet is to contact an education attorney in your area. There is an organization called the Home School Legal Defense Association, but they limit their protection to conservative Christian homeschoolers and a narrow list of issues.

      First: Know your law

      If you know what you’re supposed to do and what you aren’t, you’re already a long way toward resolving any potential conflict. Many times school officials demand to see curriculum, attendance, report cards, testing results — that they may or may not be entitled to by law. In my state, for instance, no one can ask me to show the curriculum I use with my children. (I’m not sure why they’d care anyway, but that’s beside the point.) If someone in an official capacity did ask, and I didn’t know that person well enough to know why they were asking, I would simply parrot my state regulations: “My state law requires this, and this, and this.”

      If you’re like most homeschoolers around the country, you know your law a heap better than your local education officials do. Some of them simply assume that because they want to see this or that, you’ll willingly hand it over — they think you don’t know any better. Or they don’t know enough not to ask.

      Many areas have so many homeschoolers, and they’ve worked with the homeschoolers for so many years, that the local officials already know the ropes. They’re so used to seeing portfolios and paperwork year after year that they glance through it looking for obvious errors, check it off, and move on to the next one. As homeschooling continues to grow, this will hopefully become the case almost everywhere.


Your goal is to become familiar enough with your state law that you know what is permissible and what isn’t. Reading through the law (or even a reputable interpretation) may give you enough information to talk about it coherently. Knowing what the law says also helps when you get questions from fellow citizens. Most homeschoolers find themselves hearing all kinds of questions when they meet strangers who realize they teach their children at home. (Some of those questions can be a bit intrusive, and you have no obligation to defend yourself against random nosy or opinionated people.)

      Second: Make sure your ducks are in a row

      Make sure that anything the state requires is current. If your state requires an intent-to-homeschool letter or form, then you need to file it by the deadline. That way, if anybody asks, it’s in. (And keep a photocopy for your own records so you know what’s on it and the date that you filed it.)


A “Gee, we’d really like to see this from you” is not a requirement, and you are only required to do what the law says that you’re required to do. If your state law says that homeschoolers need to register on request from the state education office, and nobody calls your house to ask you to register,

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