Homeschooling For Dummies. Jennifer Kaufeld

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Homeschooling For Dummies - Jennifer  Kaufeld

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that travels together in one direction.

      Generally, one parent takes the position as primary homeschool instructor or learning guide. Usually Mom fills that role, but more and more dads are stepping up to the homeschool plate and teaching their children at home. If you foresee it working best for you if Dad teaches the classes, then give it a try. Working with your children each day gives you a relationship that few men enjoy, and the homeschool dads I’ve talked to absolutely love what they do and wouldn’t want it any other way.

      Sometimes the parent who doesn’t keep up with the lesson book or explain the math problems feels left out of the educational experience. Often these parents think they’re unqualified to make schooling decisions because they don’t do it every year and letting their partners do it is easier. However, they miss much of the excitement and learning that goes on when they divorce themselves from the day-to-day homeschooling flow.

      Incorporating the non-teaching parent as often as possible can help. Although holding math class until Dad gets home from work may not be the most inclusive (or stress free) move you could make, you may schedule a school field trip to the nearest museum on a Saturday or the working parent’s day off so that you can all go together. That way, you take advantage of both parents’ knowledge as you tour the exhibits. If you know science inside and out, but your partner’s specialty is history, you cover both subjects in depth during a trip, which increases the trip’s usefulness for all.


Here are some other ideas to involve the parent who doesn’t carry the primary teaching load:

       Schedule vacation trips that involve some educational content. This allows both parents to help with the learning, explain what the children see, and generally enjoy the experience.

       Encourage the non-teaching parent to share what he knows about a subject dear to his heart. If kites truly jazz him, then spend some time looking at kites, why they fly, and how they fly. You may even make a kite or two together from plans you can find at the library and spend an off-work day flying. One or two evenings a week for an extended period of time covers much ground — especially when the parent teaches what he loves.

       Set aside an evening a week to pursue a topic you’ve always wanted to cover as a family, and make it part of your school time. If you want to dive into a subject, such as gourmet cooking or amateur radio, you’ll find it’s much more fun when it’s a whole-family adventure. And with a pastime, such as cooking, you automatically have more hands to help with cleanup when you schedule a family affair. Because parents like to learn too, this gives Mom something to look forward to after a day at the office.

       Change your weekly school schedule once in a while to incorporate both parents. Although it may sound kind of strange, you can schedule a Saturday School and then take a day off the next week. Holding Saturday School once a month or so keeps the nonprimary teacher in the loop with everything you teach and gives the children the benefit of working with both parents every now and then.

       Incorporate a sharing time into your routine. Remember “Show and Tell,” when kindergarteners and first graders drag their favorite items to school — hopefully to bring them home again without losing them in the meantime — to share with their classmates? You can do the same thing at home by setting aside some time to share each child’s progress with the parent who doesn’t usually teach each day. What was the neatest picture your youngest made this week? Which new fact astounded your oldest? These topics make great dinner conversation as well as after-dinner presentation time. Children love to show their progress to the people they care for the most.


Regardless which parent primarily homeschools, unless you’re willing to make some additional personal-time sacrifices and perhaps follow rather unique schooling hours, one parent needs to be available during the day hours for homeschooling to be effective. If you have the freedom to take your children to work with you, that’s great — but if not, and they’re too young to stay home and work on their own, then you need to be at home each day with them. Chapter 2 discusses special situations that require creative homeschooling solutions.

      One day you look into your 4-year-old’s dewy eyes and realize there’s no way you can send this baby, the delight of your life, into a cold, hard building filled with strangers. Dearest parent, you have just made the first steps toward deciding to homeschool your offspring. If you continue along this path, you will be up to your eyeballs in coloring pages and math manipulatives all too soon.

      Teaching in small blocks

      When you begin with littles, use small chunks of learning time. Ten or 15 minutes at a time is plenty. Ten minutes of playing with math blocks every day for a week is decidedly better than attempting to teach math to a young learner once each week for 50 minutes. Both of you will end up in tears.

      Sometimes one activity can work for several things. Did you locate a great drawing of springtime or autumn for coloring? You can talk about the seasons, the flowers, the weather, and clothing changes. Taking it a bit further, you can use that page to talk about color selections, primary colors, secondary colors, and the various colors of the sky. All kinds of subject matter can fit into that one coloring page.


Remember that play is part of the package. Children learn through play. A good playtime will lead them to exercise and process what they’ve been learning at the same time. When you’re finished with your coloring page and your counting blocks, your read-alouds and your letter formation, send the child to play. Young learners should spend most of their waking hours playing rather than schooling. It helps their imagination and their creativity, and you’ll see the benefits of that during schooltime.

      Using the objects you own

      Homeschooling from the beginning doesn’t have to break the bank. Want a puppet to help you tell a story? A favorite stuffed animal works just fine. Need objects to demonstrate how to count, add, or subtract? Anything you have in quantity will work: buttons, pennies, peanuts, or even your child’s massive collection of little rubber ducks.

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