An Introduction to the Finite Element Method for Differential Equations. Mohammad Asadzadeh
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In this section, we extend the overture of the Sections 1.1 and 1.2 to higher dimensions and give definitions for linearity, nonlinearity, and superposition concepts.
We recall the common notation
A more general notation for partial derivatives of a sufficiently smooth function
Definition 1.1
A function
As we mentioned, a key defining property of a PDE is that there are derivatives with respect to more than one independent variable and a PDE is a relation between an unknown function
Example 1.10
The one‐space dimensional, homogeneous, heat, and wave equations (here
Other examples are
The most general PDE of first order in two independent variables,
Likewise, the most general PDE of second order in two independent variables can be written as
As stated in Remark 1.2, when Eqs. (1.3.1)–(1.3.3) are considered in bounded domains