Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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(%) 10–2 0 8 0 40 0/40 100 10–3 0 8 0 32 0/32 100 10–4 1 7 1 24 1/25 96 10–5 0 8 1 17 1/18 94 10–6 2 6 3 9 3/12 75 10–7 5 3 8 3 8/11 27

      Although the linear nature of the dose-response curve indicates that a single particle is capable of initiating an infection (one-hit kinetics) (Fig. 2.8), the high particle-to-PFU ratio of many viruses demonstrates that not all virus particles are successful. High values are sometimes caused by the presence of noninfectious particles with genomes that harbor lethal mutations or that have been damaged during growth or purification (defective particles). An alternative explanation is that although all viruses in a preparation are in fact capable of initiating infection, not all of them succeed because of the complexity of the infectious cycle. Failure at any one step in the cycle prevents completion. In this case, a high particle-to-PFU ratio indicates not that most particles are defective but, rather, that they failed to complete the infection.

Virus Particle/PFU ratio
Papillomavirus 10,000
Poliovirus 30–1,000
Herpes simplex virus 50–200
Polyomavirus 38–50
Simian virus 40 100–200
Adenoviridae 20–100
Poxviridae 1–100
Influenza virus 20–50
Reovirus 10
Semliki Forest virus 1–2

      Although the numbers of virus particles and infectious units are often not equal, assays for particle number are frequently used to approximate the number of infectious particles present in a sample. For example, assuming that the ratio of infectious units to physical particles is constant, the concentration of viral DNA or protein can be used to estimate the number of infectious particles. Biochemical or physical assays are usually more rapid and easier to carry out than those for infectivity, which may be slow, cumbersome, or impossible. Assays for subviral components also provide information on particle number if the amount of these components in each virus particle is known.

       Electron Microscopy

      With few exceptions, virus particles are too small to be observed directly by light microscopy. However, they can be seen readily in the electron microscope. If a sample contains only one type of virus, the particle count can be determined. A virus preparation is mixed with a known concentration of latex beads, and the numbers of virus particles and beads are then counted, allowing the concentration of the virus particles in the sample to be determined by comparison.



      The use of centrifugal force to separate particles from solution according to size, shape, or density has been a staple of virology. The instrument used for such separations is called a centrifuge, which can range from small tabletop devices that accommodate small tubes to large floor models with greater capacity and to ultracentrifuges that can achieve revolutions per minute in excess of 70,000. The ultracentrifuge was invented by Theodor

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