Welding Metallurgy. Sindo Kou

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Welding Metallurgy - Sindo  Kou

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25% from droplets, and 10% from cathode heating.

Schematic illustration of the power inputs during GMAW of aluminum: (a) measured results (b) break- down of total power input.

      Source: Lu and Kou [10]. Welding Journal, September 1989, © American Welding Society.

      The heat source efficiency can be very low in LBW because of the high reflectivity of metal surfaces to a laser beam – for instance, 98% for CO2 laser on a highly polished Al or Cu surface. The reflectivity can be found by determining the ratio of the reflected beam power to the incident beam power. Xie and Kar [14] show that roughening the surface with sandpapers and oxidizing the surface by brief exposure to high temperatures can reduce the reflectivity significantly. Heat Source Efficiencies in Various Welding Processes

       LBW: The heat source efficiency is very low because of the high reflectivity of metal surfaces but can be significantly improved by surface modifications, such as roughening, oxidizing, or coating.

       PAW: The heat source efficiency is much higher than LBW.

       GTAW: The heat source efficiency for direct‐current electrode negative( DCEN) is slightly higher than that in PAW because of absence of heat losses from the arc plasma to the water‐cooled orifice gas nozzle and through the bottom of the keyhole.

       GMAW, SMAW: Unlike in GTAW, heat transfer to the electrode can be transferred back to the workpiece through metal droplets, thus improving the arc efficiency.

       SAW: Unlike in GMAW or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), the arc is covered with a thermally insulating blanket of molten slag and granular flux, thus reducing heat losses to the surroundings and improving the arc efficiency.

        EBW : The keyhole in EBW acts like a “black body” trapping the energy from the electron beam. As a result, the efficiency of the electron beam is very high.

Schematic illustration of the heat source efficiencies in several welding processes.

      2.1.2 Melting Efficiency

      where V is the welding speed, H base the energy required to raise a unit volume of base metal to the melting point and melt it, and H filler the energy required to raise a unit volume of filler metal to the melting point and melt it. The quantity inside the parentheses represents the volume of material melted while the denominator represents the heat transfer from the heat source to the workpiece.

Schematic illustration of the melting efficiency: (a) transverse weld cross section, (b) lower heat input and welding speed, (c) higher at higher heat input and welding speed, (d) variation with dimensionless parameter ηEIV/Hαv.

      Source: DuPont and Marder [7]. Welding Journal, December 1995, © American Welding Society


      Figures 2.9b,c show the transverse cross‐sections of two steel welds differing in the melting efficiency [7]. Here, EI = 3825 W and V = 10 mm/s for the shallower weld of lower melting efficiency (Figure 2.9b) and EI = 10 170 W and V = 26 mm/s for the deeper weld of higher melting efficiency (Figure 2.9c). Note that the ratio EI/V is about the same in the two cases.

      Fuerschbach and Knorovsky [5] proposed the following empirical equation for the melting efficiency:



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