Welding Metallurgy. Sindo Kou

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Welding Metallurgy - Sindo  Kou

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for heat flow in the workpiece during welding:

      1 Steady‐state heat flow

      2 Point heat source

      3 Negligible heat of fusion

      4 Constant thermal properties

      5 No heat losses from the workpiece surface

      6 No convection in the weld pool Rosenthal's Two‐Dimensional Equation


       T: temperature

       T o: workpiece temperature before welding

       k: thermal conductivity

        g: workpiece thickness

       Q: heat transferred from heat source to workpiece

       V: travel speed

       α: workpiece thermal diffusivity, namely, k/(ρC), where ρ and C are density and specific heat of workpiece, respectively

       K o: modified Bessel function of second kind and zero order [26], as shown in Figure 2.17

       r: radial distance from origin, namely, (x 2 + y 2 ) 1/ 2.

Schematic illustration of the two-dimensional heat flow during welding of thin workpiece. Graph depicts the modified Bessel function of second kind and zero order.
Material Thermal diffusivity α (m2 s−1) Volume thermal capacity ρC s (Jm−3 K−1) Thermal conductivity k (Jm−1s−1K−1) Melting point (K)
Aluminum 8.5 × 10−5 2.7 × 106 229.0 933
Carbon steel 9.1 × 10−6 4.5 × 106 41.0 1800
Austenitic stainless steel 5.3 × 10−6 4.7 × 106 24.9 1773
Ti alloy 9.0 × 10−6 3.0 × 106 27.0 1923
Copper 9.6 × 10−5 4.0 × 106 384.0 1336 Rosenthal's Three‐Dimensional Equation

Schematic illustration of the three-dimensional heat flow during welding of semi-infinite workpiece. Step‐by‐Step Application of Rosenthal's Equations

      The procedure for calculating thermal cycles is illustrated as follows. Equation (2.9) for 3D heat flow is used, with V = 2.4 mm/s, Q = 3200 W and T o = 25 °C. Consider the temperature distribution along the straight line of y = 4 cm.

       Step 1. Calculate T (1, 4). Let x = 1 cm, y = 4 cm, R = [(1)2 + 42 + 02]1/2.


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