The Maverick's Virgin Mistress / Lone Star Seduction. Jennifer Lewis
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Don’t stop! She tightened her grip around him, determined not to let him escape.
“Alicia.” He managed to free his mouth for a second to gasp her name. “I’m not sure this…”
She fumbled with the strings of his pajama pants, unsure how her hands had found them, but intent on getting them undone immediately.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay.” Rick flinched as her hand brushed against his rock-hard erection.
She yanked on a string, but the knot was tight and she couldn’t work it loose. Still jerking at it with one hand, she raised the other to tug down the shoulder strap of her nightgown.
The thin satin tore easily and she pulled down the gown to bare her breast. Cool night air tightened her nipple.
“Touch me,” she pleaded, still tugging at his pajamas.
Rick lifted a tentative palm to her bare breast. She shuddered hard as he brushed her nipple.
“Alicia, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” She heard him swallow. “You seem a little…overwrought.”
With a burst of elation she pulled open the knot holding his pajamas closed and started to push them down over his hips.
“Really, I think we should slow down.” His pulsing erection and husky voice contradicted his words. “How about…a cup of tea?” he croaked.
Alicia froze. “Tea? What is it about me that makes you think of tea at a moment like this?” Suddenly, fierce sobs racked her body. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong?”
Her words rang out into the silent air of the hotel room and bounced back at her off the polished surfaces.
“Nothing’s wrong, Alicia. You’ve just had a long day and you need some sleep.”
“Sleep is the last thing I need.” Her voice quavered as she readied herself to make her terrible confession.
Rick’s eyes were midnight-blue in the scant light that streamed through the half-open doorway and outlined the ripped muscle of his neck and shoulders.
“I need you.” Alicia drew in a shuddering breath. “I’m a virgin.”
Justin almost fell off the bed. “You’re kidding me.”
“Would I kid about something like this?” Alicia’s big brown eyes glittered with tears.
“Wow. I mean, that’s amazing.” His erection throbbed.
“It’s not amazing, it’s depressing.” She picked up the torn section of her nightdress and held it over her bare breast. “I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me.”
“Absolutely nothing is wrong with you. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You’re the sweetest—”
“I don’t want to be sweet!” Desperation flashed in her eyes. “I want to be wild.”
Rick glanced down to where his fierce arousal jutted beneath his untied pajama string. “I think you’re well on your way.”
“You’re shocked.”
“In the best possible way.” He lifted a thumb and brushed away the tear that ran down her cheek. It broke his heart to see her so sad. “It’s a very erotic revelation.”
She blinked, her lashes wet. “It is?”
“Absolutely. It means you’ve never tasted the most intense sensations in the whole world, and you’re about to experience them for the first time.”
Her eyes widened. “I am?”
“Absolutely.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. They parted, warm and yielding. His tongue flicked into her mouth and he felt her shiver in response.
Gently, he pushed aside the hand covering her breast and replaced it with his own. Her nipple peaked beneath his palm, and sent a flash of heat straight to his groin.
He stroked her nipple with his thumb as he pulled back from the kiss. Her tears had vanished, leaving her eyes bright and curious.
“That feels good,” she whispered. She bit her lip, suddenly shy.
“Excellent.” He lowered his mouth to her breast and blew. The nipple tightened in response.
“Ooooh,” she murmured, arching her back.
He licked a circle around the areola and drank in her rich, feminine scent as he tasted the honeyed silk of her skin.
She rocked against him when he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked. Then he slid the second strap of her nightgown over her shoulder and placed his palm on her other lush, full breast.
Under his fingers, her heartbeat was rapid with excitement.
The soft fabric of her lace-edged nightgown—appropriately virginal—slid down to her waist and he kissed her belly.
His own arousal was excruciating. Everything down there was so sensitive the mere touch of Alicia’s manicured hand could send him to another dimension. He really shouldn’t be so turned on by her innocence, but something about it was insanely hot.
Gently, he pushed her back against the pillows where she’d so recently tossed and turned in anguish. Her smooth hair splayed on the pillow like a halo. A smile flickered across her full lips as her eyes closed.
She obviously felt safe with him.
Little did she know he was not Rick Jones, the man she trusted with her virtue.
Guilt snaked through him and knotted up with the lust that had overtaken every synapse. He certainly couldn’t tell her now, while they were locked in a sensual embrace.
Her first.
He slid one hand under her sensational backside and lifted her hips enough to pull her nightgown to her thighs and down over her shapely legs.
“Are you cold?” he whispered.
“Not even a little,” she said through a smile. Her thick lashes flickered open and she reached up her arms. “Come here.”
He hesitated. While not exactly romantic, a condom was still a necessity. “I’m aching to, but first I have to get something. Don’t move a single muscle. Do you promise me you won’t?”
“I promise.” A slight frown played over her smooth brow.
Rick climbed off the bed and sped to the bathroom and back in record-breaking time. He was half-afraid Alicia would come to her senses and refasten the lock on her chastity belt.
Relief washed over him when he saw her still lying there, a goddess glazed with moonlight, staring up at him with hungry eyes.