The Maverick's Virgin Mistress / Lone Star Seduction. Jennifer Lewis
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“I’m coming home, then.”
Even as she said it, her entire body screamed no. She wanted to stay here, with Rick.
“No way. You stay with Maria. We still have no idea who’s behind this, so there’s no way to predict what they’ll do next. I’ve got enough problems already. I don’t want to have to worry about my baby sister being in danger.”
Alicia’s relief mingled with stone-cold guilt. “Are you sure you’re okay? Did you eat breakfast?”
“I’m not an invalid.”
“Did you eat breakfast?”
“I wasn’t hungry.”
“Alejandro Montoya, you’d better go make yourself something—”
“Stop fussing. Maybe it’s better I learn to do things for myself, otherwise how will I manage when you leave to get married?”
His teasing tone told her he was joking. He probably didn’t think she’d ever leave to get married. And until this morning, she’d worried the same thing.
But now everything was different.
She fingered her blue topaz necklace and let her smile return. “All right, don’t eat anything, then. See if I care.”
Her reflection in the mirror revealed red lips and flushed cheeks. Her eyes were glassy and her hair—well, her hair needed work. “I’ll call you later and you can reach me on my cell if you need me.”
She hung up the phone. How shocked Alex would be if he knew what she’d been up to last night. If he knew that—right now—she was waiting for her new boyfriend to return.
Her lover.
Justin marched up the walkway into the Texas Cattleman’s Club. Things were getting too complicated for his taste and he intended to do a little untangling. At least as much as he could without making Alicia run for cover.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Dupree.” The doorman nodded to him. “Mr. Brody’s waiting for you in the library.”
“Justin!” Mitch rose from a leather club chair near the carved-stone fireplace as Justin entered, his dark eyes shining with amusement. “You’ve been hard to find lately.”
“Busy. We’re in the midst of a deal. I’m wearing a suit right now because I just signed a contract. Saturday morning, can you believe it? But the guy’s heading back to Athens this afternoon.”
His tall friend narrowed his eyes. “That’s not the only thing keeping you tied up. I saw how well you hit it off with Alicia Montoya.”
Justin just smiled.
“Did you dig up any dirt on her brother?” Mitch asked.
Guilt trickled through Justin as he eased himself into a chair. He wished he’d never volunteered to get information about Alex from Alicia.
Both Mitch and his brother, Lance, suspected Alex of the sabotage at Brody Oil and Gas, but because of the longtime enmity between Lance and Alex, there was no way they could approach him without things quickly escalating to a confrontation. It happened every time Lance and Alex got near each other.
“Pretty suspicious that a fire broke out on the Montoya place, don’t you think?” Mitch asked.
“They don’t know who’s behind the fire at El Diablo. The police are looking into it but there are no suspects yet, from what I hear.”
“Do you think it’s possible that Alex set the fire to divert suspicion from himself about the fire at our refinery?”
“Why would he destroy his own property?”
“For the insurance money.” Mitch took a sip of whiskey. “That old barn was begging to be burned down. He probably had it insured for twice its value.”
“Alicia said it was a historic building. One of the oldest in Somerset.”
“Maybe they wanted to clear the way for a state-of-the-art setup. Alex has some of the finest breeding cattle in the entire state of Texas these days. He always was a competitive son of a bitch.” Mitch signaled to the bartender to bring a drink for Justin.
“I don’t think he’s behind it.”
Mitch looked at Justin closely. “Who else could it be?”
Justin leaned back in his chair. “It’s got me stumped. But I’m starting to think that the fires are somehow tied into the missing funds Darius discovered. Have you finished the unofficial audit yet?”
“Not yet,” said Mitch, “but I’m close.”
“Look, Mitch, from what Alicia’s told me, the refinery fire doesn’t sound like something Alex would do. He’s a legitimate businessman.”
“One of his best buddies is Paul Rodriquez. Don’t try to tell me ‘El Gato’ is legit.”
“No, El Gato has ‘drug cartel’ written all over him, but he and Alex Montoya aren’t business partners. They’re old friends or something. Alex has an import-export business, and from the sounds of it, he’s making money at the ranch, too, with those big-ticket bulls he’s breeding.”
A wry smile lifted one side of Mitch’s mouth. “Are you falling for Alicia Montoya?”
Justin took a gulp of whiskey. “I’m telling you what I’ve learned. The Montoyas seem like decent and upstanding people. I think we’ve all been too hasty in our judgment of Alex.”
Mitch took a swig from his own glass. “He slammed the brakes on redeveloping downtown and ruined Kevin’s deal. One of the councillors told me he was so persuasive that he almost single-handedly talked the city council into rezoning the area for historic development. I can’t figure out if he actually wants to redevelop it himself, or if he just couldn’t stand to see someone else make a buck doing it.”
“Alicia’s heavily involved in the preservation of the downtown area. She says it’s one of the few authentic and picturesque main streets in the state. She’s working on a committee to turn it into a tourist attraction.”
“Downtown Somerset as a tourist attraction? I suspect you’re thinking with a part of your body other than your brain.”
“Why not? If you look past the cheesy signage and faded paint, there are some beautiful buildings there. I think she’s absolutely right to want to preserve Somerset’s history. We already have enough strip malls in the Houston suburbs.”
“It’s hard to argue with that.” Mitch peered into his glass. “As I get older, I’m starting to take a more serious interest in the future and what will be here when my own children grow up.”
Justin’s eyes widened. “Are you and Lexi already talking about children?”