Nanobiotechnology in Diagnosis, Drug Delivery and Treatment. Группа авторов

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Nanobiotechnology in Diagnosis, Drug Delivery and Treatment - Группа авторов

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targeted DR5‐expressing cells and presented a sufficient density of antibody paratopes to induce apoptosis via DR5, unlike free AMG 655 or non‐targeted control nanoparticles. They also demonstrated that DR5‐targeted nanoparticles encapsulating the cytotoxic drug camptothecin were effectively targeted to the tumor cells, affecting enhanced cytotoxicity through simultaneous drug delivery and apoptosis induction. The authors concluded that antibodies on nanoparticulate surfaces can be exploited for dual modes of action to enhance the therapeutic utility of the modality (Fay et al. 2011).

      Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary research field that integrates a broad and diverse array of equipments derived from chemistry, engineering, biology, and medicine. Nanomaterials have a wider range of potential applications for the detection and treatment of various diseases, including GI disorders, due to the suitable physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles for in vivo applications.

      Nanostructures and nanotechnology‐based devices are still under active development of the design of diagnostic and therapeutic tools and devices. It is particularly important in case of cancer diseases as the effectiveness of traditional anticancer therapies (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) or other adjuvant and neo‐adjuvant strategies used alone and in combinations remain limited due to the intrinsic build‐up of resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy drugs, dose‐limiting toxicities, and other major side effects. Therefore, new strategies to overcome these issues are being developed, one of which is cancer nanomedicine, a rapidly developing interdisciplinary research field.

      The last few decades have seen a rapid growth of interest in utilizing nanoparticles and nanotechnology in cancer medicine, mainly for targeted drug delivery and imaging. Nanoscale imaging technology significantly improves the precision and accuracy of tumor diagnoses, while nanomaterial‐based chemotherapeutic drug delivery's accuracy of dose reduces the toxic side effects. Overall, the use of nanomaterials in diagnosis and treatment of various diseases has been widely investigated both preclinically and clinically. However, the diagnosis and treatment of GI disorders is mainly preclinically related to in vitro (colorectal cell lines; e.g. HCT116 cells) or in vitro (mouse xenograft models) tests. Nanomedicine has been particularly considered as a novel solution to enhance CRC diagnosis and treatment, both separately and in combination with theranostic techniques. To date, the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of GI disorders has been reposted for liposome and polymer nanomaterials as well as QDs.

      Although nanotechnology application could considerably improve GI disease detection and therapy, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed before it is accepted in routine clinical use, e.g. improvement of delivery and targeting in the body to provide effective treatment for specific disease conditions. The introduction of nanomaterial into the human body must be controlled, as there are many issues with possible toxicity and long‐term effects which should be considered. However, it is expected that nanotechnology will continue bringing improvements to diagnostics and therapies of GI diseases.

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