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      Lindahl Elliot, Nils. 2006b. “See it, Sense it, Save it: Economies of Multisensuality in Contemporary Zoos.” Senses and Society 1(2): 203–224.

      Lindahl Elliot, Nils. 2008. “Esittää suojellakseen? Television luontodokumenttien kritiikki” [Showing to save? A critique of wildlife documentaries on television], translated by Ville V. Lahde. Journal of the European Society of Philosophy (Finland) 57(2): 10–15.

      Maier, Gerhard. 2005. “Brad Pitt is a Monkey: How a Zoo Works Like a Movie.” In Innovation or Replication? Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium of Zoo Design, edited by A. B. Plowman and S. Tongue, 43–48. Paignton, UK: Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust.

      Malmberg, Melody. 1998. The Making of Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park. New York: Hyperion.

      Margodt, Koen. 2000. The Welfare Ark: Suggestions for a Renewed Policy in Zoos. Brussels: VUB University Press.

      McClintock, Keith. 2005. “Constructed Realism: Incorporating the Principles of Art and Perception to Communicate Realistic Natural Habitats.” In Innovation or Replication? Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium of Zoo Design, edited by A. B. Plowman and S. Tongue, 37–42. Paignton, UK: Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust.

      Melvin, Jeremy. 2000. “Wildscreen@Bristol by Michael Hopkins.” Architects Journal, November 30. Accessed July 22, 2014.

      Oppenheimer, Frank. 1972. “The Exploratorium: A Playful Museum Combines Perception and Art in Science Education.” American Journal of Physics 40(7): 978–982.

      Parsons, Christopher. 1982. True to Nature. Cambridge: Patrick Stevens.

      Parsons, Christopher. 2001. “Christopher Parsons: Oral History Transcription.” Interview by David Attenborough, July 26. Wild Film History. Accessed July 22, 2014. file:///C:/Users/owner/Downloads/Christopher_Parsons%20(2).pdf.

      Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1931–1958. Collected Papers. 8 vols. Edited by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss and A. Burks. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

      Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1998. The Essential Peirce, vol. 2. Edited by N. Houser et al. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

      Rogers, Rick. 2004. Space for Learning: A Handbook for Education Spaces in Museums, Heritage Sites and Discovery Centres. London: Space for Learning Partners.

      Singh, Anita. 2011. “Frozen Planet: BBC ‘Faked’ Polar Bear Birth.” Daily Telegraph, December 12. Accessed July 22, 2014.

      Talbot, Henry Fox. 1844. The Pencil of Nature. London: Longman.

      Willock, Colin. 1978. The World of Survival. London: Deutsch.

      Wilson, E. O., ed. 1988. Biodiversity. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

      Nils Lindahl Elliot is author of Mediating Nature (Routledge 2006). His most recent project, Observing Wildlife in a Tropical Forest, develops a genealogy of the pedagogy of wildlife observation among guides and tourists on Barro Colorado Island, Panama.



      Video Testimonies in Museums

       Steffi de Jong

      Within its exhibition section on World War II, the Royal Army Museum in Brussels shows a rather peculiar oil painting by the Russian artists Pavel Boyko and Arkadi Lebedev (Figure 4.1). The picture is called The Battle of Kursk: A History Lesson and was offered to the museum in 2001 by the Russian embassy. It shows the interior of a museum with a large painting of the battle. Before the painting, a Russian colonel gives a history lesson to representatives of the allied forces: a French lieutenant-colonel, a British navy lieutenant, and an American major. A German Bundeswehr soldier is shown at some distance from the group looking at the painting, his back turned toward the viewer. Behind the group of younger soldiers being given the history lesson, a Russian veteran in a wheelchair is pushed toward the painting by his daughter, who is also dressed in an army uniform. His granddaughter is lagging behind, contemplating the statue of a Russian hero. A Red Army flag and some photographs can be seen in the back in another exhibition room.

      FIGURE 4.1 Pavel Boyko and Arkadi Lebedev, The Battle of Kursk: A History Lesson.

      © Royal Museum of the Army and of Military History, Brussels.

      Like the Royal Army Museum, more and more museums integrate video testimonies into their permanent exhibitions. This is especially but not only the case in Holocaust and World War II museums such as Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, the Holocaust Exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London, or the Bergen-Belsen and the Neuengamme Memorials. The Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Bonn (literally, House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany, but known as the German National Museum of Contemporary History), a state-run museum on the post-1945 history of Germany, has renewed its exhibition in 2011 to include, among other things, more video testimonies. The Villa Schöningen, Haus an der Glienicker Brücke, a museum in Potsdam positioned on one of the bordering bridges between East and West Berlin, has based its exhibition primarily on video testimonies. Video testimonies were also given a prominent role in the Museum of Europe’s exhibition on European integration It’s Our History! (De Jong 2011a).

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