Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership. James M. Kouzes

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Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership - James M. Kouzes

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is essential to the exercise of exemplary leadership.

      To understand this leader-constituent relationship we have routinely been conducting surveys over the past 40 years about the personal values, traits, and characteristics that people indicate are most important to them in an individual they would willingly follow. A key word in this sentence is “willingly.” It is one thing to follow someone because you think you have to “or else,” and it's another when you follow an individual because you want to.

      All the characteristics receive votes, and therefore each one is important to at least some individuals. What is most evident, however, is that over time, across continents, demographic, and organizational differences, only four have continuously received the majority (over 60 percent) of the preferences. What people most look for and admire in a leader has been constant. If people are going to follow someone willingly, they must believe the individual is honest, competent, inspiring, and forward-looking.

Value, Trait, or Characteristic Percentage of Respondents Selecting This Category*
Honest (truthful, has integrity, trustworthy, has character, ethical) 87
Forward-looking (visionary, foresighted, concerned about the future, has sense of direction) 69
Competent (capable, proficient, effective, gets the job done, professional) 67
Inspiring (uplifting, enthusiastic, energetic, optimistic, positive about future) 66
Intelligent (bright, smart, intellectual, logical) 45
Broad-minded (open-minded, flexible, receptive, tolerant) 38
Dependable (reliable, conscientious, responsible) 34
Supportive (helpful, offers assistance, comforting) 36
Fair-minded (just, unprejudiced, objective, forgiving) 40
Straightforward (direct, candid, forthright) 34
Cooperative (collaborative, team player, responsive) 27
Courageous (bold, daring, gutsy) 24
Caring (appreciative, compassionate, concerned, loving, nurturing) 22
Determined (dedicated, resolute, persistent, purposeful) 22
Imaginative (creative, innovative, curious) 22
Ambitious (aspiring, hard-working, striving) 19
Mature (experienced, wise, has depth) 16
Loyal (faithful, dutiful, unswerving in allegiance, devoted) 15
Self-controlled (restrained, self-disciplined) 10
Independent (self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-confident) 6

      * Note that several synonyms are included in each category.

      If you are going to ask others to follow you to some uncertain future, and if the journey is going to require hardships and possibly sacrifices, then it is imperative that people believe in you. People must be able to believe that your words can be trusted, that you will do what you say, that you are personally excited and enthusiastic about the direction in which the group is headed, and that you have the knowledge and skills to lead.

      This all leads to the First Law of Leadership: If people don't believe in the messenger, they won't believe the message.

      So what is it that leaders do to build and sustain credibility? What do they do that makes others see them as capable and trustworthy leaders? What are the behaviors that people exhibit that

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