Weathercocks. Zeremids. Almaz Braev

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Weathercocks. Zeremids - Almaz Braev

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for clarification (the second positive point of enlightenment). But actually, as already mentioned, the best interpreters and translators were super, hyper, mega markets, where all the zerefs were instantly forgotten, surrounded by boxes of goods. They felt an increase in their status from before. They felt it and were happy.

      But of course, the liberals, a few intellectuals, were not happy at all.

      every year there are fewer and fewer such irreconcilables, and more and more reasonable ones. To aboriginal people in the liberals, the mind comes much faster. they are ready to accept the rules, having previously occupied a suitable branch on the tree. this is the most reasonable behavior, at least traditional, native. Not only stolen corrupt officials, and sometimes steal a lot (but not above the standard of course), but also the so-called oppositionists ask for forgiveness from the leader (another moment of enlightenment and inclusion of prudence, rationality). Everyone asks for a selection. And of course, the chief is merciful and condescending to them. Even to tricksters, scammers, and crooks (this is if you include non-tariff rules and definitions, they are crooks, and if you do not include them, just mixed up the branch). If you include the tradition, then everything falls into place. All these corrupt officials and oppositionists who are asking for forgiveness (we still need to understand why they are suddenly oppositionists, it may turn out that they are just competitors) are subjects. subjects and all.

      Chapter V

      The zeremids

      Not yet citizens, but with a great passion to be at the center of the world.

      The zeremids, like the zerefs (people of tradition), need living space. Zeremids ideological, fanatical, and declarative due to financial interest. To seduce the zerefs and zeremids, they have to promise a reward. The traditional elite usually led the traditional people against their immediate neighbors. There they received food, robes, and women. Sometimes these neighbors were of the same root as the attackers. But their kin and their family are above the distant blood for the Zeref. Hence the eternal intertribal strife of the Zerefs even in modern and modern times, that is, even when the banner of civilization is developing around. As for zeremids, they are susceptible to any epithets superiority. But these epithets suggest superiority not only over the neighboring tribe of savages but on the scale of countries and peoples. Groups of remids of the second urban generation serve to provoke the crowd and instill a new idea. They give rise to the imperial idea of seizures, which their fathers allegedly carried out. The rise of nationalism and Nazism in Germany in the 30s of the 20th century is explained by the economic crisis, which brought the aggressive Zeremids from the cultural stupor to the podium. They have given themselves the right of past heroic generations. Remids 2 put plans into the mercantile and weak heads of the zeremids, which are fueled by the aggression and anger of the crowd. Without the presence of a certain number of urban intellectuals, all the energy of the zeremids goes to domestic strife and domestic nationalism, or rather ethnic segregation.

      In this sense, Russia has used Marxism to acclimatize new agrarian migrants who fled to the cities from landlessness, food taxes, collectivization-for a new life, “factories for workers, land for peasants.” Here the role of the neighboring tribe was played by bourgeois and enemies of the people. The ratio zerefs – zeremids, Russia was closer to zerefs reflection. It did not have aggressive citizens of imperial scale and appetites. Here the kulaks and enemies of the people played the role of neighbors of the Indians with some adjustments to the era, development, culture, and geography.


      The zeref – a person with initial reflection, reflection is close to zero, a traditional person who loves only his relatives and older brothers, blindly obeying tradition and the eldest in the family (reflection zero-zeref);

      The remid – a person of average reflection, father, teacher, mentor of zeref, remids-traditional elite or just elite; officials, people just with higher education;

      The zeremid – man of the first generation of townspeople, tradesman. philistine, employee

      Chapter VI

      Cruel and quick zere. (the seremid)

      To the market people of ze-fa, from the quick promise of profit, the market did not at all promise that all people would get into the ranks of officials. The fate of officials is the fate of the chosen. The zefa is absolutely not principled people. they count pennies and rejoice like children. Officials are first of all principled people. They must defend the interests of the state. Because the zefa will try to do all the “children” are corrupt. And the sooner the authorized marauder squad got rid of the witnesses and responsible people, the better.

      However, there are few honest, principled people in power. you can say they are not at all. What should I do? How did this happen? Did the guys do the ze-re-do loyal faces, as they should, just to get into the squad of the chosen ones? Of course. All ze-re diligent, do everything fanatically or create an appearance, (because they know that they are waiting for a reward). In a large family, a quiet calf sucks off two cows, and all the seniors beat the obstinate fool. All zeremids know about it. Therefore, they do everything so that they are not beaten.

      What are the prospects and, most importantly, what kind of life will you be able to part with?

      This is called in the people from dirt to princes. Therefore, all those who interfere with the fulfillment of dreams, they, let’s just say, are not needed. Paraphrasing the third extra, we get-the principal extra is remid. Therefore, so that the remids did not interfere, they were forced to speak the language of their own brothers. What other principles do you need?

      When and what do ze-re do best?

      For the revolution, they are devoted fighters of the revolution, fanatical revolutionaries, the best fighters against the enemy. After the victory over the enemies of the deposed exploiters, all the doors were opened for the revolutionaries. So after the civil war, they were fighters against counter-revolution and sabotage, a threat to all the remnants of the whites, nobles, enemies of the people. First, the organizers, collectivization and furious screamers too, they. Screamers always. Always “for”.

      Glory to Stalin! It also screams of zeremids.

      When the enemies of the people are nullified, destroyed, when the unconscious and even sober are simply not around, then there are no competitors. Ze-re awareness begins. when the initial line or tradition is continued by the children of zere (or zere-re 2- A. B.) – the heirs of the revolutionary experience. Even further, the grandchildren are the successors of the tradition. Each time ze-re realize themselves not as the heirs of starving men with a revolver, fanatics for the sake of getting a revolutionary ration, but as the heirs of heroes, there comes a full awareness of ze-re superiority. But not according to Marx. According to Marx, such awareness through blood, genes-culture is called a reaction. Marx has no explanation for this at all.

      Why do the grandchildren of past activists now have an exorbitant level of market selfishness?

      Why do they now want not equality and brotherhood, but status, their own allocation to the caste? Instead of the past altruism, instead of the spirit of comradeship, instead of responsibility-isolation, individualism, the desire for private property-why?

      Zere also has few semitones.


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