Engineering Acoustics. Malcolm J. Crocker
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This book series will embrace a wide spectrum of acoustics, noise and vibration topics from theoretical foundations to real world applications. Individual volumes included will range from specialist works of science to advanced undergraduate and graduate student texts. Books in the series will review the scientific principles of acoustics, describe special research studies and discuss solutions for noise and vibration problems in communities, industry and transportation.
The first books in the series include those on biomedical ultrasound, effects of sound on people, engineering acoustics, noise and vibration control, environmental noise management, sound intensity and wind farm noise – books on a wide variety of related topics.
The books I have edited for Wiley, Encyclopedia of Acoustics (1997), Handbook of Acoustics (1998) and Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control (2007), included over 400 chapters written by different authors. Each author had to restrict the chapter length on their special topics to no more than about 10 pages. The books in the current series will allow authors to provide much more in‐depth coverage of their topic.
The series will be of interest to senior undergraduate and graduate students, consultants, and researchers in acoustics, noise and vibration and, in particular, those involved in engineering and scientific fields, including aerospace, automotive, biomedical, civil/structural, electrical, environmental, industrial, materials, naval architecture, and mechanical systems. In addition, the books will be of interest to practitioners and researchers in fields such as audiology, architecture, the environment, physics, signal processing, and speech.
Malcolm J. Crocker Series editor
Over the past decades, the authors of this book have been working together in several areas of acoustics and vibration, which has led to a number of joint research papers published in scholarly journals and congress proceedings, as well as book chapters. Our goal in writing this book was first to cover the fundamental theory relevant to engineering acoustics, noise, and vibration, and second to describe practical ways in which noise and vibration can be controlled and reduced. Each of the sixteen chapters has several worked examples designed to make the theoretical and empirical prediction methods accessible for readers. This book is aimed at senior undergraduates, graduate students, and practitioners in the noise and vibration fields. Although the use of SI units is emphasized in the book, English units are given in addition in some cases, in particular in Chapter 13, for the convenience of readers in the USA.
The book begins with fundamentals (Chapters 1–3) and continues with human aspects – hearing, speech, and the effects of noise and vibration on people (Chapters 4–6). At this point, two chapters are included on noise measurement (Chapters 7 and 8). Chapter 9 deals with principles of noise and vibration control. The remaining Chapters 10–16 deal with specific practical problems. These chapters include: acoustical design of reactive and passive mufflers and silencers (Chapter 10), control of noise and vibration of machines (Chapter 11), noise and vibration control in buildings (Chapter 12), noise and vibration of air‐conditioning systems (Chapter 13), surface transportation noise (Chapter 14), aircraft and airport noise (Chapter 15), and community noise and vibration (Chapter 16).
The first author has five decades of experience in undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, and consulting in acoustics, noise, and vibration. The research was sponsored by companies and government agencies. The second author has over two decades of experience in undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, and consulting in acoustics, noise, and vibration and in performing research funded by government and private sources. He has also been a consultant with industry in noise and vibration.
Although our understanding of the acoustics, noise, and vibration fundamentals has remained largely unchanged, the last half century (1970–2020) has seen dramatic changes in our ability to make calculations, useful predictions, and measurements. Before the wide availability of electronic calculators (1975), most calculations were made using log tables and slide rules. Large, expensive computers did not appear until the 1960s and 1970s, and it was not until the early 1980s that personal computers and laptops became available. Now computers big and small are everywhere. Computational advances have revolutionized our ability to make acoustics, noise, and vibration calculations.
Because they cover important topics, Chapters 8, 10, 12, and 13 have received expanded treatment in this book. Contracts and grants received by the first author enabled him to conduct research on sound intensity in which he conceived the first use of sound intensity measurements in determining the transmission loss of partitions. During this period, he chaired the ANSI SI‐12 committee which produced the first ever standard, S12‐12‐1992, Engineering Method for the Determination of the Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Intensity. Some of the research results are summarized in Chapter 8.
The first author received a nine‐year contract from a company which produced over 80% of the new mufflers for automobiles manufactured in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s. During this research, he together with a graduate student, C.‐I. J. Young, produced the first acoustical finite element model to predict muffler noise attenuation. This, together with research on measuring source impedance of engines and prediction of the transmission loss of concentric tube resonators with J.W. Sullivan, resulted in improved modeling of the acoustics of exhaust systems. These research results are included in Chapter 10. Intense noise was caused by the Saturn V moon rocket at launch. During the 1960s there was great concern about the vibration and potential for fatigue during the launch of the Saturn V vehicle. First during a 1966–1997 short course – Program for Advanced Study – and then through personal contacts and communications with Richard H. Lyon, the first author began studies on SEA. He and a colleague produced the first papers demonstrating the usefulness of SEA in predicting the transmission of sound through single and double partitions. These results and others are included in Section 12.5 of Chapter 12. The first author also received several research contracts from ASHRAE, AMCA, and ARI to study the acoustics of air‐conditioning systems. These studies resulted in a new in‐duct method of measuring the sound power of fans. During this period, the first author served as chair of the ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.6 Sound and Vibration.