Successes and Setbacks of Social Media. Группа авторов
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List of Contributors
Drew T. Ashby-King, MS is a doctoral student and graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland. His scholarship focuses on the intersection of instructional, organizational, and intercultural communication.
Alysa Auriemma, MA teaches English at Miss Porter’s School. She is currently revising the drafts of her first novel.
Katherine H. Burr, PhD currently serves as the Associate Director of Assessment at the University of Georgia. Her research interests explore intersections of student affairs and anthropology; specifically, examining campus traditions, construction of campus environments and cultures, and student development theory.
Erik S. Dey, EdD works as a public school educator. He has conducted research on school climate for the US Department of Justice and Civil Rights Division.
Gillian P. Foss, MA is a doctoral student in the Higher Education Administration program at Louisiana State University. Her research interests include higher education law and policy, with an increasing focus on First Amendment protections for campus stakeholders.
Phillip J. Fox, PhD is Director and Associate Professor of English at Goodwin University. He has written a textbook titled Discover the Writer in You.
Sam Glaab-Lanigan, MSEd earned a graduate degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs from Northern Illinois University in 2020. She worked throughout her college career to grow into a social justice advocate.
LaKisha Grant-Washington, EdD is a Psychology Instructor at Tunxis Community College. She has experience working in the human/social services and education sectors.
Tara M. Hart, EdD is an Associate Director at Angelo State University. She has served in the areas of admissions, residence life, student involvement, student conduct, student transition, student retention, and administrative leadership.
Kimberly D. Hellerich, EdD is a high school English teacher. Her doctoral research examined the relationships between social support during adolescence and resilience in trauma-affected adults.
Chandra Herring-Morrow, EdD is a Literacy Facilitator in Charlotte, NC. Her focus is on teacher retention in hard-to-staff, Title I schools.
Kathryn S. Jaekel, PhD is an Assistant Professor in Higher Education and a faculty associate for the Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Northern Illinois University. Jaekel’s research centers on the experiences of queer and trans college students as well as teaching and learning in higher education.
Randy Laist, PhD is a Professor of English at Goodwin University. He is the author of The Twin Towers in Film: A Cinematic History of New York’s World Trade Center and Cinema of Simulation: Hyperreal Hollywood in the Long 1990s. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Salon, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Catherine G. Molleno, MS is a PhD student in the Educational Leadership and Research program at Louisiana State University with a specialization in higher education. Her research interests include college access, community college, student success, advocacy, bridge programs, first-generation students, and immigrant college students.
Linda Nozart-Frierson, MPH, RRT, AF-C is the Administrative Director of an Asthma Education Program in the NYC Health + Hospitals system. She is also the Director of Operations for Noz Health Ed LLC., a healthcare consultant business.
Kristina M. Perrelli, PhD is the Director of New Student Programs at the University of Rhode Island and part-time faculty in the University’s School of Education. Her research interests include exploring the experiences of pregnant and parenting college students, intersectional feminism, social justice in student affairs, and qualitative methodologies.
Luz Rodriguez, MSEd earned a graduate degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs from Northern Illinois University in 2020. Her work centered on student organization and involvement in higher education.
Joi Sampson, MS is an Associate Director at a private college in New York.