Green Energy. Группа авторов

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Green Energy - Группа авторов

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small quantities each having five valence electrons, which creates an extra electron into the lattice. The availability of these free electrons as a whole in the material creates a net flow of negatively charged carriers to constitute current. Thus, addition of small amounts of either of two types of foreign atoms changes Si crystal into a medium-type of conductor, which is a semiconductor. Joining of two types of semiconducting materials constitutes a device entailed as nonlinear semiconductor diode [10,11,20-22]. Figure 1.4 shows a similar picture to portray the doping of two types of foreign atoms in Si lattice.

      1.1.3 Introduction to Diode Physics

Schematic illustration of the doping of two types of foreign atoms of B (p-type) and P (n-type) in Si to form semiconductor material with better conductivities. Schematic illustration of two semiconductor blocks of p-type and n-type before the formation of junction and also showing position of Fermi level in the corresponding dopes semiconductor material. Schematic illustration of the space charge region formed in between the joining region of p-type and n-type semiconductor blocks is shown in (a). the energy band diagram of a p-n semiconductor junction in thermal equilibrium is shown in (b). Schematic illustration of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a semiconductor p-n junction.

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