Remote C-H Bond Functionalizations. Группа авторов

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Remote C-H Bond Functionalizations - Группа авторов

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compounds are important for pharmaceutical industry and kinetic studies of reaction mechanisms. In 2019, Werz, Maiti, and coworkers reported the Pd‐catalyzed meta‐C–H deuteration of benzylsulfonyl esters derivatives using readily available deuterium source such as deuterated acetic acid, assisted by readily removable pyrimidine‐based template (Scheme 2.44) [26]. It was demonstrated that the template morphology was crucial for effectivity and selectivity of this remote C
H bond activation. Meanwhile, Yu, Dai, and coworkers also achieved an isolated example of meta‐C–H deuteration of benzylsulfonyl esters using pyridine‐based template.

Chemical reaction depicts the meta-C–H deuteration of benzylsulfonyl esters.

      Source: Modified from Bag et al. [26].

Chemical reaction depicts the meta-C–H silylation and germanylation.

      Source: Modified from Modak et al. [42].

      2.2.5 Phenol Derivatives

Chemical reaction depicts the meta-C–H olefination of phenol derivatives. Chemical reaction depicts the organosilicon template assisted meta-C–H olefination of phenol derivatives.

      Source: Modified from Mi et al. [44].

Chemical reaction depicts the Rh(III)-catalyzed meta-C–H olefination of phenol derivatives.

      Source: Modified from Mi et al. [45].

Chemical reaction depicts the (a) meta-selective C–H olefination of phenols. (b) Nickel-catalyzed ipso-C–O activation and arylation.

      Source: (b) Modified from Xu et al. [46].

Chemical reaction depicts the meta-C–H olefination of 2-phenyl phenol derivatives.

      Source: Modified from Maity et al. [47].

      2.2.6 Alcohol Derivatives

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