The Railway Library, 1909. Various

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The Railway Library, 1909 - Various

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feet 150.00 Level 2 Long Level 13.06 miles 189.58 Plane 2 Ascending 1760.43 feet 132.40 Level 3 Ascending 1.49 miles 14.50 Plane 3 Ascending 1480.25 feet 130.50 Level 4 Ascending 1.90 miles 18.80 Plane 4 Ascending 2695.94 feet 187.86 Level 5 Ascending 2.56 miles 25.80 Plane 5 Ascending 2628.60 feet 201.64 Level 6 Summit of Mountain 1.62 miles 19.04 ———— Total rise 1171.58 Feet Plane No. 6 Descending 2713.85 feet Fall 266.50 Level 7 Descending 15 miles 0.00 Plane 7 Descending 2655.01 feet 260.50 Level 8 Descending .66 miles 5.80 Plane 8 Descending 3116.92 feet 307.60 Level 9 Descending 1.25 miles 12.00 Plane 9 Descending 2720.80 feet 189.50 Level 10 Descending 1.76 miles 29.58 Plane 10 Descending 2295.61 feet 180.52 Level 11 To Hollidaysburg 3.72 miles 146.71 ———— Total fall 1398.71

      In conformity with resolutions of the Board, eighteen miles of the grading on the eastern and fifteen on the western ends of the Road were placed under contract in July last. In November the contracts upon the eastern division were extended to Lewistown, and on the 17th ult., to Huntingdon, together with a few miles of heavy work along the Little Juniata, embracing altogether 106 miles.

      Very little of the grading, on the western division, has been executed, as there appeared to be no sufficient reason for pressing that portion of the Road until the means of the Company would justify a larger expenditure upon it than they have heretofore.

      The work upon the eastern division has been retarded from the scarcity of labor. Time seems to be required to collect the necessary force upon the line. With the exception, however, of the Susquehanna bridge, the grading will be prepared for the superstructure, to Lewistown, this year. The masonry of that important job was first allotted to contractors. The principal of the firm, though highly recommended by the officers of the Reading Railroad, proved unequal to the task he had undertaken, and their contract was abandoned. In consequence, the remnant of last season, after the contract was let, was mostly lost.

      The work has been re-let to Holman, Simons and Burke, who have carried it forward satisfactorily. The prevalence of high water, since the season for laying masonry commenced, has prevented as much progress, at this time, as could have been desired; but we still entertain hopes that it will be completed before the ensuing winter. If this is accomplished, the Road can be opened to Lewistown next spring. Under any ordinary circumstances it will be finished to Huntingdon (98½ miles) by the close of navigation in 1849—a point as low down as we may anticipate a profitable use of the Road from.

      Our arrangements have been made with a view to the completion of the Road to the Allegheny Portage, early in the spring of 1850. An earlier period could not be fixed, owing to the magnitude of some of the work on the Little Juniata; a portion of which, embracing the tunnel, through

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