The Negro in Chicago: A Study of Race Relations and a Race Riot. Chicago Commission on Race Relations

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The Negro in Chicago: A Study of Race Relations and a Race Riot - Chicago Commission on Race Relations

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his wife, a six-year-old son, and a nephew aged twenty-one, came from Texas early in 1919. Although they arrived after the heaviest migration, they experienced the same difficulties as earlier comers.

      They searched for weeks for a suitable house. At first they secured one room on the South Side in a rooming-house, where they were obliged to provide gas, coal, linen, bedding, and part of the furniture. After a few weeks they got two rooms for light housekeeping, for $10 a month. The associations as well as the physical condition of the house were intolerable. They then rented a flat on Carroll Avenue in another section. The building was old and run down. The agent for the property, to induce tenants to occupy it, had promised to clean and decorate it, but failed to keep his word. When the Jones family asked the owner to make repairs, he refused flatly and was exceedingly abusive.

      Finally Jones located a house on the West Side that was much too large for his family, and the rent too high. They were forced to take lodgers to aid in paying the rent. This was against the desire of Mrs. Jones, who did not like to have strangers in her house. The house has six rooms and bath and is in a state of dilapidation. Mr. Jones has been forced to cover the holes in the floor with tin to keep out the rats. The plumbing is bad. During the winter there is no running water, and the agent for the building refuses to clean more than three rooms or to furnish screens or storm doors or to pay for any plumbing. In the back yard under the house is an accumulation of ashes, tin cans, and garbage left by a long series of previous tenants. There is no alley back of the house, and all of the garbage from the back yard must be carried out through the front. Jones made a complaint about insanitary conditions to the Health Department, and the house was inspected, but so far nothing has been done. It was difficult to induce the agent to supply garbage cans.

      Jones had reached the eighth grade, and Mrs. Jones had completed the first year of high school. The nephew had finished public-school grades provided in his home town and had been taught the boiler trade. He is now pursuing this trade in hope of securing sufficient funds to complete his course in Conroe College, where he has already finished the first year. The boy of six was placed in a West Side school. He was removed from this school, however, and sent back south to live with Mrs. Jones's mother and attend school there. Mrs. Jones thought that the influence of the school children of Chicago was not good for him. He had been almost blinded by a blow from a baseball bat in the hands of one of several older boys who continually annoyed him. The child had also learned vulgar language from his school associates.

      The Jones family were leading citizens in their southern home. They were members of a Baptist church, local clubs, and a missionary society, while Jones was a member and officer in the Knights of Tabor, Masons, and Odd Fellows. They owned their home and two other pieces of property in the same town, one of which brought in $20 a month. As a boiler-maker, he earned about $50 a week, which is about the same as his present income. Their motive in coming to Chicago was to escape from the undesirable practices and customs of the South.

      They had been told that no discrimination was practiced against Negroes in Chicago; that they could go where they pleased without the embarrassment or hindrance because of their color. Accordingly, when they first came to Chicago, they went into drug-stores and restaurants. They were refused service in numbers of restaurants and at the refreshment counters in some drug-stores. The family has begun the re-establishment of its community life, having joined a West Side Baptist church and taking an active interest in local organizations, particularly the Wendell Phillips Social Settlement. The greatest satisfaction of the Joneses comes from the "escape from Jim Crow conditions and segregation" and the securing of improved conditions of work, although there is no difference in the wages.

       Table of Contents

      Migrants have been visited in their homes, and met in industry, in the schools, and in contacts on street cars and in parks. Efforts have been made to learn why they came to Chicago and with what success they were adjusting themselves to their new surroundings.

      Some of the replies to questions asked are given:

      Question: Why did you come to Chicago?


      1. Looking for better wages.

      2. So I could support my family.

      3. Tired of being a flunky.

      4. I just happened to drift here.

      5. Some of my people were here.

      6. Persuaded by friends.

      7. Wanted to make more money so I could go into business; couldn't do it in the South.

      8. To earn more money.

      9. For better wages.

      10. Wanted to change and come to the North.

      11. Came to get more money for work.

      12. To better my conditions.

      13. Better conditions.

      14. Better conditions.

      15. Better living.

      16. More work; came on visit and stayed.

      17. Wife persuaded me.

      18. To establish a church.

      19. Tired of the South.

      20. To get away from the South, and to earn more money.

      Question: Do you feel greater freedom and independence in Chicago? In what ways?


      1. Yes. Working conditions and the places of amusement.

      2. Yes. The chance to make a living; conditions on the street cars and in movies.

      3. Going into places of amusement and living in good neighborhoods.

      4. Yes. Educationally, and in the home conditions.

      5. Yes. Go anywhere you want to go; voting; don't have to look up to the white man, get off the street for him, and go to the buzzard roost at shows.

      6. Yes. Just seem to feel a general feeling of good-fellowship.

      7. On the street cars and the way you are treated where you work.

      8. Yes. Can go any place I like here. At home I was segregated and not treated like I had any rights.

      9. Yes. Privilege to mingle with people; can go to the parks and places of amusement, not being segregated.

      10. Yes. Feel free to do anything I please. Not dictated to by white people.

      11. Yes. Had to take any treatment white people offered me there, compelled to say "yes ma'am" or "yes sir" to white people, whether you desired to or not. If you went to an ice cream parlor for anything you came outside to eat it. Got off sidewalk for white people.

      12. Yes. Can vote; feel free; haven't any fear; make more money.

      13. Yes. Voting; better opportunity for

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