Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

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Leg over Leg - Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq Library of Arabic Literature

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Arabic literature, as well as anthologies and thematic readers. Books in the series are edited and translated by distinguished scholars of Arabic and Islamic studies, and are published in parallel-text format with Arabic and English on facing pages. The Library of Arabic Literature includes texts from the pre-Islamic era to the cusp of the modern period, and encompasses a wide range of genres, including poetry, poetics, fiction, religion, philosophy, law, science, history, and historiography.

      Supported by a grant from the New York University Abu Dhabi Institute, and established in partnership with NYU Press, the Library of Arabic Literature produces authoritative Arabic editions and modern, lucid English translations, with the goal of introducing the Arabic literary heritage to scholars and students, as well as to a general audience of readers.

      Philip F. Kennedy

       General Editor, Library of Arabic Literature


      الساق على الساق فى ما هو الفارياق


      ايام وشهور واعوام فى عجم العرب والاعجام

      تاليف العبد الفقير الى ربه الرزاق

      فارس بن يوسف الشدياق

      Leg over Leg


      The Turtle in the Tree


      The Fāriyāq

      What Manner of Creature Might He Be

      otherwise entitled

      Days, Months, and Years

      spent in

      Critical Examination


      The Arabs


      Their Non-Arab Peers


      The Humble Dependent on His Lord the Provider

      Fāris ibn Yūsuf al-Shidyāq

      فهرست الكتاب

      الكتاب الثانى

الفصل الاول فى دحرجة جلمود *
الفصل الثانى فى سلام وكلام *
الفصل الثالث فى انقلاع الفارياق من الاسكندرية *
الفصل الرابع فى منصّة دونها غصّة *
الفصل الخامس فى وصف مصر *
الفصل السادس فى لا شى *
الفصل السابع فى وصف مصر *
الفصل الثامن فى اشعار انه انتهى وصف مصر *
الفصل التاسع فيما اشرت اليه *
الفصل العاشر فى طبيب *
الفصل الحادى عشر فى انجاز ما وعدنا به *
الفصل الثانى عشر فى ابيات سَريّة *
الفصل الثالث عشر فى مقامة مقعدة *
الفصل الرابع عشر فى ذلك الموضع * ☜
الفصل الخامس عشر فى ذلك الموضع بعينه *
الفصل السادس عشر فى تمام قصة القسيس *
الفصل السابع عشر فى رثآء حمار *
الفصل الثامن عشر فى الوان مختلفة من المرض *
الفصل التاسع عشر فى دائرة هذا الكون ومركز هذا الكتاب *
الفصل العشرون فى معجزات وكرامات *

      Contents of the Book

      Book Two

      Chapter 1: Rolling a Boulder

      Chapter 2: A Salutation and a Conversation

      Chapter 3: The Extraction of the Fāriyāq from Alexandria, by Sail

      Chapter 4: A Throne to Gain Which Man Must Make Moan

      Chapter 5: A Description of Cairo

      Chapter 6: Nothing

      Chapter 7: A Description of Cairo

      Chapter 8: Notice that the Description of Cairo is Ended

      Chapter 9: That to Which I Have Alluded

      Chapter 10: A Doctor

      Chapter 11: The Fulfillment of What He Promised Us

      Chapter 12: Poems for Princes

      Chapter 13: A Maqāmah to Make You Sit

      Chapter 14: An Explanation of the Obscure Words in the Preceding Maqāmah and Their Meanings

      Chapter 15: Right There! ☞

      Chapter 16: Right Here!‎

      Chapter 17: Elegy for a Donkey

      Chapter 18: Various Forms of Sickness

      Chapter 19: The Circle of the Universe and the Center of This Book

      Chapter 20: Miracles and Supernatural Acts


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