The Epistle of Forgiveness. Abu l-'Ala al-Ma'arri

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The Epistle of Forgiveness - Abu l-'Ala al-Ma'arri Library of Arabic Literature

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sophistication of a heretic.

      He was criticized for this motif.185 It is said that he meant a man of the tribe of Banū l-Ḥārith who was well known for his heresy and his sophistication; he held a favored position with the ruler.186

      As for the first hemistich of this verse:

      A prince’s boon companion, on speaking terms with a king,187

      this is like the verse by Imruʾ al-Qays:188

      Today I’ll drink without incurring

      sin with God, nor as an uninvited guest.

      One cannot consider it analogous to the use of the pausal form -ah, as in:

      O Baydharah, O Baydharah, O Baydharah!189

      Or as someone else said:190

      Over many a leaping white-footed ibex, fair-sized,

      The shadows contracted and then shrank together;

      When it saw there was no chance to rest (daʿah) 191 or eat its fill,

      It turned aside to an arṭā tree on a sand dune and lay down,

      because here it is good to make the h distinct, since the utterance is complete and it is good to pause there, whereas in muḥaddithuh malikin one has a pre-genitive and a genitive,192 where such a thing is not good, for the two nouns are like one noun.

      Ṣāliḥ ibn ʿAbd al-Quddūs


      وأما صالح بن عبد القُدّوس فقد شُهر بالزندقة، ولم يُقتل، ولله العلم، حتى ظهرت عنه مقالات توجِب ذلك. ويُروى لأبيه عبد القدوس:

كم أهلكتْ مكّةُ من زائرٍ خرّبها الله وأبياتَها
لا رَزق الرحمنُ أحياءها وأشْوتِ الرحمةُ أمواتَها

      وقد كان لصالح ولدٌ حُبس على الزندقة حبسًا طويلًا، وهو الذي يُروى له:

خرجْنا من الدنيا ونحن مِنَ ٱهْلها فما نحن بالأحياء فيها ولا الموْتَى
إذا ما أتانا زائرٌ متفقّدٌ فرِحْنا وقلنا: جاء هذا من الدنيا

      وأما رجوعه عن الزندقة لمّا أحسّ بالقتل، فإنما ذلك على سبيل الخَتْل. فصلى الله على محمد، فقد رُوي عنه أنه قال: بُعثتُ بالسيف، والخير في السيف، والخير بالسيف. وفي حديث آخر: لا تزال أُمّتي بخيرٍ ما حملتِ السيوفَ. والسيف حمل صالحًا على التصديق، وردّه عن رأي الزنديق، وتلك آية من آيات الله إذا هي ظهرت للنفس الكافرة، فقد فَنِيَ لا ريبَ زمانُها، ولا يُقبل هناك إيمانُها: {لَمْ تَكُنْ آمَنَتْ مِنْ قَبْلُ} وللسفَه طَلّ ووَبْل.

      Ṣāliḥ ibn ʿAbd al-Quddūs193 was notorious for his heresy but he was not killed—God knows best—until statements came to light from him that made it inevitable. The following lines are attributed to his father, ʿAbd al-Quddūs:

      How many visitors has Mecca brought to perdition!

      May God destroy it and its houses!

      May the Merciful not give sustenance to its quarters

      and may His mercy pass over its dead!

      Ṣāliḥ had a son who was imprisoned for a long time because of heresy. The following lines are attributed to him:194

      We left the world when we belonged to it;

      and now we are neither living in it nor dead.

      Whenever a visitor comes seeking us

      we rejoice and say, “This man comes from the world!”

      Ṣāliḥ’s recanting from heresy when he thought he would be executed was merely deception. God bless Muḥammad, who is reported to have said, “I have been sent with the sword. There is good in the sword and there is good through the sword.” And in another hadith: “My community will be well as long as it carries swords.” The sword made Ṣāliḥ assent to the truth and renounce his heresy. This is one of God’s signs when it becomes evident to an unbelieving soul, whose time has come to an end, no doubt about it! For at this stage its belief will not be accepted. «It has not believed before».195 Folly comes as drizzle and as a downpour!

      The Fuller, the Box-Maker, and Others


      وأما القصّار فجهلٌ يُجْمَع ويُصار، ولو تبع حِقًّا مقروبا، لَكُفيَ سمًّا مشروبا، ولكن الغرائز أعادٍ، ولا بدّ من لقاء الميعاد.

      وأما المنسوب إلى الصناديق، فإنه يُحسَب من الزناديق. وأحسبُه الذي كان يُعرف بالمنصور، ظهر سنةَ سبعين ومائتين، وأقام بُرهة باليمن، وفي زمانه كانت القِيان تلعب بالدُّفّ وتقول:

خُذي الدّفَّ يا هذه والعَبي وبُثّي فضائلَ هذا النبي
تولّى نبيُّ بني هاشمٍ وقام نبيُّ بني يَعْرُبِ
فما نبتغي السعْيَ عند الصَّفا ولا زوْرةَ القبر في يَثْرِبِ
إذا القوم صلَّوْا فلا تنهَضي وإن صوّموا فكُلي واشْرَبي
ولا تحرِمي نفسَكِ المؤمنيـ ـنَ من أقربينَ ومن أجْنبي

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