Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6. Michael Law

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Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6 - Michael Law

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uses the release version of Map Viewer, but you will learn about the beta version in exercises throughout the remainder of the book.

      6 Click Open In Map Viewer (or click the thumbnail image). If necessary, click the Content button. The map shows pedestrian and bicycle accidents from 2011 to 2014 in Wilmington, Delaware. The Contents pane contains six layers—a layer for each year, plus a municipal boundaries layer and a topographic basemap provided by ArcGIS Online. Layers have a check box so that you can turn them on and off. The basemap is always on and has no check box.You will change the basemap to more clearly see the precise locations of accidents. Basemaps provide a backdrop and frame of reference for operational layers, such as accidents. As you zoom in, the basemap provides more detail. In this case, you see topographic details. In other basemaps, you might see the ocean floor. In the satellite basemap, for example, you can see your house, school, or workplace.

      7 Click the Basemap button to show the Basemap Gallery. Select the Streets basemap, and zoom out until your map extent roughly matches the figure.When you point your cursor to any of the operational layers, you can see icons and tools that allow you to show the legend, show the attribute table, change styles, filter data, perform analysis, and other tasks.

      8 Move the Accidents 2014 layer to the top of the Contents pane, and then turn off all layers except the Accidents 2014 layer.

      Contents pane showing the Accidents 2014 layer turned on.The only points that remain on the map are the blue square and triangle symbols for pedestrian accidents and bicycle accidents, respectively. Next, you will change the layer symbology to something more meaningful.

      Configure the map symbology

      1 To view the current symbology of the Accidents 2014 layer, click the Show Legend button below the layer name.As you learned earlier, the blue square symbol represents pedestrian accidents and the blue triangle symbol represents bicycle accidents.

      2 Under the Accidents 2014 layer name, click the Change Style button. A check mark shows that the layer is symbolized based on Types (Unique Symbols) to display the Pedestrian attribute, which has only two unique values: pedestrian and bicycle. Next, you will change the symbols to something more meaningful.

      3 Under Select A Drawing Style, click Options.

      4 Click the Pedestrian blue square icon to change the symbol.

      5 In the Change Symbol pane that appears, click the Shape tab. Select Transportation from the drop-down list, and click the red exclamation point in a triangle. Adjust the symbol size to 18, and click OK.

      6 Similarly, choose an appropriate symbol and size for the Bicycle icon (the yellow exclamation point in a triangle is suitable), and click OK.

      7 At the bottom of the Change Style pane, click OK, and then click Done to return to the Contents pane.

      8 Turn on the Municipal Boundaries layer to make it visible in the map. Below the Municipal Boundaries layer name, click the Change Style button.

      9 Click Options.

      10 Under Showing Location Only, click the area symbol.

      11 On the Fill tab, select a light-purple color. Adjust the Transparency slider to about 50 percent.

      12 On the Outline tab, select a darker purple. Adjust the Transparency slider to about 75 percent, set the line width to 3 px (pixels), and click OK.

      13 Change the overall transparency to about 50 percent.

      14 At the bottom of the Change Style pane, click OK, and then click Done to return to the Contents pane. Zoom out, if necessary, to see the municipal boundary and surrounding areas outside the boundary.

      Wilmington map zoomed out to show updated accident symbology and municipal boundary.You can now see the municipal boundary more clearly with detail from the basemap still visible.

      On your own

      Experiment with symbolizing the other layers. Pay attention to how symbol size and map scale relate to each other and how they appear on the map.

      Next, you will customize this map further by configuring descriptive information about features in map pop-up windows.

      Configure map pop-up windows

      1 Turn off all layers except Accidents 2014, and zoom in to see individual accidents and street names.

      2 Click any accident location on the map to view its pop-up window.The default pop-up configuration shows an unformatted list of fields and values sourced from the layer’s attributes. Although having all this information can be useful, it is unnecessary to show all of it for display purposes. You will adjust which attribute fields are displayed so that map users can more easily see the type of accident that occurred.

      3 Close the pop-up window. Under the Accidents 2014 layer, click the More Options button, and click Configure Pop-up.You will set a more suitable name for the pop-up title.

      4 In the Pop-up Title box, type Accident Details. In the Pop-up Contents section, a list box contains all the field attributes that are displayed in the pop-up window. It is not necessary to display all of them, so you will configure the pop-up window to display only the information that is relevant.

      5 Under the list box of attributes, click Configure Attributes. The Configure Attributes window allows you to adjust field visibility and the field alias as well as provide a way to move the order of fields.

      6 In the Display column, clear all the check boxes (click the top display check box twice to select all and then clear all).

      7 Scroll down the list and select the Display check box for {LOCATION_4}. Rename the field alias to LOCATION.

      8 Select the Display check box for {HARMFUL_EV}, and rename its field alias to INVOLVES. Do the same for {DATE_OF_CR}, and rename it to DATE.

      9 Click OK to close the Configure Attributes window.

      10 Click an accident point on the map to see its new pop-up window.The pop-up window is now much more reader-friendly. In this dataset, a code is used to indicate a pedestrian (09) or a bicycle (10). Pop-up windows can also contain images and charts.

      11 Close the pop-up window.

      Save a map

      As an organizational account user, you can save the map to your own workspace. By default, maps that you make in Map Viewer are private (only you can see them). You will save your map and add it to your own content.

      TIP You are allowed to save a copy of any map that you work on unless the original map author has enabled Save As protection. You cannot update any existing layers that belong to the original map author. However, you can save any changes you make to the map, which then only you can see.

      1 Click the Save button, and then click Save As.

      2 In the Save Map window, change the title to City of Wilmington Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents 2011 to 2014.

      3 Add

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