Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6. Michael Law
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4 For Summary, type A map of pedestrian and bicycle accidents in the City of Wilmington.
5 Click Save Map. You have saved your first ArcGIS Online map. All saved maps appear in My Content and are accessible at any time. Even though the original map was shared with everyone, the map you worked on is considered private and is not shared with anyone in the organization, a group, or the public. You do not need to share this map right now. However, you will learn how to share maps and other content throughout this book because this process is an essential part of the ArcGIS platform.On your ownGo to My Content and find your own map.
This chapter introduced you to some background information about what GIS is and how the ArcGIS platform is structured. You started with opening a public map, one that everyone has access to, to see how easy it is to view data and basemaps. You learned how to sign in to an organizational account and open a map. You learned how to configure symbology and pop-up windows to make the data layers and their attributes more usable. You then learned how to save the map to your own organizational account.
You should be getting comfortable using ArcGIS Online. You will use it throughout the book, in which you will learn how to share layers, export content to your organizational account, and open maps in ArcGIS Pro. In chapter 2, you will begin using ArcGIS Pro.
Glossary terms
Glossary terms are provided for each chapter, listed in the order they appear.
open data
ArcGIS Pro
Chapter 2 A first look at ArcGIS Pro
Exercise objectives
2a: Learn some basics
Start a new project
Import a map document
Create a folder connection
Modify map contents
Explore the map
Examine the contextual ribbon
Examine feature attributes
Select features
2b: Go beyond the basics
Modify feature symbols
Label features
Measure distances
Add a basemap
Package and share the map
2c: Experience 3D GIS
Start a new project
Add data and create a bookmark
Create a 3D scene
ArcGIS Pro, the latest evolution of the Esri line of GIS software products, is a solution for today’s GIS professional. It offers 2D and 3D visualization and analysis within an intuitive, easily navigable interface. ArcGIS Pro seamlessly integrates with networks and the cloud to allow researching, developing, sharing, publishing, and collaborating on GIS projects. The desktop application is designed to be used with ArcGIS Online; for instance, maps authored in ArcGIS Pro can be published to ArcGIS Online, shared with and modified by other users, and then brought back into ArcGIS Pro. You already got an introduction to ArcGIS Online in the first chapter, so now it is time to meet the main character of this book.
ArcGIS Pro system requirements
To take full advantage of the 3D capabilities of ArcGIS Pro, you need an adequate system. Complete system requirements can be found in ArcGIS Pro Online Help, under Get Started > Set Up > System Requirements (
The following short exercises provide an initial overview of ArcGIS Pro. They are designed for brand-new GIS users as well as users who are familiar with other Esri mapping products. You will be introduced to the interface, start exploring some maps, and accomplish some common GIS tasks. These tasks include looking at feature attributes, turning on labels, and modifying map contents. Then, you will work with 3D maps. This chapter will prepare you to successfully complete the GIS project scenarios presented in subsequent chapters.
Your data is stored on ArcGIS Online in a folder called EsriPress. In EsriPress\GTKAGPro\World\World.gdb:
Cities—point features that represent major cities of the world with a population greater than 1 million (Source: ArcWorld)
Countries—polygon features that represent world countries, including demographic data and air pollution estimates (Source: ArcWorld; US Census International Division, CIA Factbook; The World Bank)
Latlong—line features that represent latitude and longitude (Source: Esri)
Ocean—grid of polygons used to display a single-color background behind land features (Source: Esri)
In EsriPress\GTKAGPro\3D:
buildings.shp—polygon building footprints for a section of a Manhattan neighborhood in New York City (Source: New York City Department of City Planning)
Exercise 2aLearn some basics
Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes
In this exercise, you will create a new ArcGIS Pro project, add a map to it, explore map features, and modify the map view.
Exercise workflow
Start a new ArcGIS Pro project using an imported map and a new folder connection.
Modify map layers by changing visibility, renaming layers, and moving the order in which they are drawn.
Navigate around