The Song of the Nibelungs. Anonymous

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The Song of the Nibelungs - Anonymous

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/ a man of dauntless heart.

       Into the land of Saxons / alone he rode away,

       And by his hand was severed / many a helmet's band that day.


      He found a mighty army / that lay athwart the plain,

       Small part of which outnumbered / all those in his own train:

       Full forty thousand were they / or more good men of might.

       The hero high in spirit / saw right joyfully the sight.


      Then had eke a warrior / from out the enemy

       To guard the van gone forward, / all arméd cap-a-pie.

       Him saw the noble Siegfried, / and he the valiant man;

       Each one straight the other / to view with angry mien began.


      Who he was I'll tell you / that rode his men before,

      —A shield of gold all shining / upon his arm he bore—

       In sooth it was King Luedegast / who there the van did guard.

       Straightway the noble Siegfried / full eagerly against him spurred.


      Now singled out for combat / him, too, had Luedegast.

       Then full upon each other / they spurred their chargers fast,

       As on their shields they lowered / their lances firm and tight,

       Whereat the lordly monarch / soon found himself in sorry plight.


      After the shock their chargers / bore the knights so fast

       Onward past each other / as flew they on the blast.

       Then turned they deftly backward / obedient to the rein,

       As with their swords contested / the grim and doughty fighters twain.


      When Siegfried struck in anger / far off was heard the blow,

       And flew from off the helmet, / as if 'twere all aglow,

       The fiery sparks all crackling / beneath his hand around.

       Each warrior in the other / a foeman worth his mettle found.


      Full many a stroke with vigor / dealt eke King Luedegast,

       And on each other's buckler / the blows fell thick and fast.

       Then thirty men discovered / their master's sorry plight:

       But ere they came to help him / had doughty Siegfried won the fight.


      With three mighty gashes / which he had dealt the king

       Through his shining breastplate / made fast with many a ring.

       The sword with sharpest edges / from wounds brought forth the blood,

       Whereat King Luedegast / apace fell into gloomy mood.


      To spare his life he begged him, / his land he pledged the knight,

       And told him straight moreover, / that Luedegast he hight.

       Then came his knights to help him, / they who there had seen

       How that upon the vanguard / fierce fight betwixt the twain had been.


      After duel ended, / did thirty yet withstand

       Of knights that him attended; / but there the hero's hand

       Kept safe his noble captive / with blows of wondrous might.

       And soon wrought greater ruin / Siegfried the full gallant knight.


      Beneath his arm of valor / the thirty soon lay dead.

       But one the knight left living, / who thence full quickly sped

       To tell abroad the story / how he the others slew;

       In sooth the blood-red helmet / spake all the hapless tidings true.


      Then had the men of Denmark / for all their grief good cause,

       When it was told them truly / their king a captive was.

       They told it to King Luedeger, / when he to rage began

       In anger all unbounded: / for him had grievous harm been done.


      The noble King Luedegast / was led a prisoner then

       By hand of mighty Siegfried / back to King Gunther's men,

       And placed in hands of Hagen: / and when they did hear

       That 'twas the king of Denmark / they not a little joyful were.


      He bade the men of Burgundy / then bind the banners on.

       "Now forward!" Siegfried shouted, / "here shall yet more be done,

       An I but live to see it; / ere this day's sun depart,

       Shall mourn in land of Saxons / full many a goodly matron's heart.


      "Ye warriors from Rhineland, / to follow me take heed,

       And I unto the army / of Luedeger will lead.

       Ere we again turn backward / to the land of Burgundy

       Helms many hewn asunder / by hand of good knights there shall be."


      To horse then hastened Gernot / and with him mighty men.

       Volker keen in battle / took up the banner then;

       He was a doughty Fiddler / and rode the host before.

       There, too, every follower / a stately suit of armor wore.


      More than a thousand warriors / they there had not a man,

       Saving twelve knights-errant. / To rise the dust began

       In clouds along the highway

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