The Song of the Nibelungs. Anonymous

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The Song of the Nibelungs - Anonymous

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      To Luedeger then spake he: / "Right welcome art thou here.

       Through fault of thine now have I / lost many friends full dear,

       For which, have I good fortune, / thou shall right well atone.

       God rich reward my liegemen, / such faithfulness to me they've shown."


      "Well may'st thou thank them, truly," / spake then Luedeger;

       "Hostages so noble / won a monarch ne'er.

       For chivalrous protection / rich goods we offer thee,

       That thou now right gracious / to us thy enemies shalt be."


      "I'll grant you both your freedom," / spake the king again;

       "But that my enemies surely / here by me remain,

       Therefor I'll have good pledges / they ne'er shall quit my land,

       Save at my royal pleasure." / Thereto gave Luedeger the hand.


      Sweet rest then found the weary / their tired limbs to aid,

       And gently soon on couches / the wounded knights were laid;

       Mead and wine right ruddy / they poured out plenteously:

       Than they and all their followers / merrier men there none might be.


      Their shields all hacked in battle / secure were laid away;

       And not a few of saddles / stained with blood that day,

       Lest women weep to see them, / hid they too from sight.

       Full many a keen rider / home came aweary from the fight.


      The host in gentlest manner / did his guests attend:

       The land around with stranger / was crowded, and with friend.

       They bade the sorely wounded / nurse with especial care:

       Whereby the knights high-hearted / 'neath all their wounds knew not despair.


      Who there had skill in healing / received reward untold,

       Silver all unweighéd / and thereto ruddy gold

       For making whole the heroes / after the battle sore.

       To all his friends the monarch / gave presents rich in goodly store.


      Who there again was minded / to take his homeward way

       They bade, as one a friend doth, / yet a while to stay.

       The king did then take counsel / how to reward each one,

       For they his will in battle / like liegemen true had nobly done.


      Then outspake royal Gernot: / "Now let them homeward go;

       After six weeks are over, /—thus our friends shall know—

       To hold high feast they're bidden / hither to come again;

       Many a knight now lying / sore wounded will be healed ere then.


      Of Netherland the hero / would also then take leave.

       When of this King Gunther / did tidings first receive,

       The knight besought he kindly / not yet his leave to take:

       To this he'd ne'er consented / an it were not for Kriemhild's sake.


      A prince he was too noble / to take the common pay;

       He had right well deserved it / that the king alway

       And all his warriors held him / in honor, for they had seen

       What by his arm in battle / bravely had accomplished been.


      He stayed there yet a little / for the maiden's sake alone,

       Whom he would see so gladly. / And all fell out full soon

       As he at heart had wished it: / well known to him was she.

       Home to his father's country / joyously anon rode he.


      The king bade at all seasons / keep up the tournament,

       And many a youthful rider / forth to the lists there went.

       The while were seats made ready / by Worms upon the strand

       For all who soon were coming / unto the Burgundian land.


      In the meantime also, / ere back the knights returned,

       Had Kriemhild, noble lady, / the tidings likewise learned,

       The king would hold high feasting / with all his gallant men.

       There was a mickle hurry, / and busy were fair maidens then


      With dresses and with wimples / that they there should wear.

       Ute, queen so stately, / the story too did hear,

       How to them were coming / proud knights of highest worth.

       Then from enfolding covers / were store of dresses rich brought forth.


      Such love she bore her children / she bade rich dress prepare,

       Wherewith adorned were ladies / and many a maiden fair,

       And not a few young riders / in the land of Burgundy.

       For strangers many bade she / rich garments eke should measured be.


       Table of Contents

      How Siegfried first saw Kriemhild


      Unto the Rhine now daily / the knights were seen to ride,


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