Against Empire. Matthew T. Eggemeier

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Against Empire - Matthew T. Eggemeier Theopolitical Visions

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advocates for an interventionist state that introduces market principles into every sphere of life. Following Foucault, Wendy Brown argues that neoliberalism serves as a reality principle for our world: “Neoliberalism governs as sophisticated common sense, a reality principle remaking institutions and human beings everywhere it settles, nestles, and gains affirmation.”56 The ontological valence of this description of neoliberalism should be emphasized, because it points to the fact that neoliberalism is not simply an economic theory or a set of public policies but more deeply a way of structuring all of reality as market competition—or what, following Foucault, Brown terms a pervasive “political rationality.”57

      If Obama’s speeches disclose the manner in which progressive ideals are often couched in and motivated by the neoliberal values of economic growth and competitive advantage, the presidency of Trump depicts a scene of the near wholesale co-optation of democracy and the state by neoliberalism. The election of a businessman with no political experience and little knowledge of the US Constitution, democratic norms and procedures, and judicial principles reveals the extent to which neoliberalism has captured the political rationality of citizens and recast the function of the state in primarily economic terms.

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