Against Empire. Matthew T. Eggemeier

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Against Empire - Matthew T. Eggemeier Theopolitical Visions

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vision (a vision that often overlaps with the aims of neoliberalism).92

      As an ideological orientation, neoconservatism became a flashpoint in the 2000s because of its foreign policy commitments, but the neoconservative response to the New Left in the 1970s and 1980s represents an important episode in its history and demonstrates that for neoconservatives the relationship between domestic and foreign policy is linked inextricably. Neoconservatives argue that absent the cultivation of healthy nationalism and patriotism at home it is impossible to sustain the project of American global hegemony abroad. In this regard, the left’s demand for deeper racial and gender equality and its criticisms of American militarism posed a unique threat to the neoconservative vision for America.

      In view of this ideological distortion of America’s motivations, it is unsurprising that democracy is a central area of contradiction within neoconservative ideology and practice. The purported aim of neoconservatism is to defend democracy against its domestic detractors and foreign enemies, but the effects of its cultural politics and military interventions have served to undermine democracy.

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