Against Empire. Matthew T. Eggemeier

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Against Empire - Matthew T. Eggemeier Theopolitical Visions

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History of Neoliberalism, 7.

      52. Overall, Harvey observes, “Almost all states, from those newly minted after the collapse of the Soviet Union to old-style social democracies and welfare states such as New Zealand and Sweden, have embraced, sometimes voluntarily and sometimes in response to coercive pressures, some version of neoliberal theory” (Brief History of Neoliberalism, 3).

      53. Harvey, Brief History of Neoliberalism, 29.

      54. Harvey, Brief History of Neoliberalism, 65.

      55. Harvey, Brief History of Neoliberalism, 159.

      56. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 35.

      57. Brown, “Sacrificial Citizenship,” 12.

      58. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 24.

      59. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 24–25.

      60. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 25–26.

      61. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 26.

      62. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 27.

      63. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 27.

      64. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 25.

      65. Brown, “Apocalyptic Populism.”

      66. Jamie Peck calls this feature of neoliberalism “a self-contradictory form of regulation-in-denial.” Peck, Constructions of Neoliberal Reason, xiii.

      67. Brown, “Apocalyptic Populism.”

      68. Bessner and Sparke, “Don’t Let His Trade Policy Fool You.”

      69. See Fraser, “The End of Progressive Neoliberalism.”

      70. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 40.

      71. MacLean, Democracy in Chains, and Slobodian, Globalists.

      72. Harvey concludes that it is the “profoundly anti-democratic nature of neoliberalism backed by the authoritarianism of the neoconservatives that should surely be the main focus of political struggle” (Brief History of Neoliberalism, 205).

      73. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 17.

      74. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 201–2.

      75. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 67. Emphasis original.

      76. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 68.

      77. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 213.

      78. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 83, and Brown, “Sacrificial Citizenship,” 9.

      79. Slavoj Žižek, for instance, argues that slum-dwellers constitute the “systematically generated ‘living dead’ of global capitalism.” Žižek, Parallax View, 425. See also Žižek, Living in the End Times, 456.

      80. Brown, Undoing the Demos, 64 and 38.

      81. This argument is developed at length by Wendy Brown in In the Ruins of Neoliberalism.

      82. Brown, “Interview: Where the Fires Are.” As we noted above, a number of authors have explored the link between neoliberalism and political commitments that are antidemocratic (MacLean, Democracy in Chains; Slobodian, Globalists). Additionally, there have been a number of important studies published on the relationship between neoliberalism and neofascism—see Connolly, Aspirational Fascism; Brown, “Apocalyptic Populism”; Brown, “Neoliberalism’s Frankenstein”; and Brown, In the Ruins of Neoliberalism.

      83. Brown, “Apocalyptic Populism.”

      84. Rosen, Empire and Dissent, 1.

      85. Ferguson, Colossus, and Kagan, Of Paradise and Power.

      86. Bacevich, American Empire, and Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival.

      87. Vaïsse, Neoconservatism, 4.

      88. See Brown, “American Nightmare.”

      89. Drolet, American Neoconservatism, 3.

      90. Kirkpatrick, “Neoconservatism as a Response to the Counter-Culture,” 239.

      91. Podhoretz, Present Danger, 86–89.

      92. On this, see Cooper, Family Values.


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