Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation. Группа авторов

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Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation - Группа авторов Evaluation in Practice Series

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E. Sussman, Barry University

       Evaluation in Practice Series

      Christina A. Christie & Marvin C. Alkin, Series Editors

      1. Mixed Methods Design in Evaluation, by Donna M. Mertens

      2. Facilitating Evaluation: Principles in Practice, by Michael Quinn Patton

      3. Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation: Principles in Use, Edited by J. Bradley Cousins

      Editorial Board Members

       Hind Al Hudib,* Independent Researcher, Ottawa, Canada

       Michelle Anderson-Draper, Principal, Anderson-Draper Consulting, Edmonton, Canada

       J. Bradley Cousins,* Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Education and Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services, University of Ottawa, Canada

       Pierre-Marc Daigneault, Professeur agrégé, Département de science politique, Université Laval, Canada

       Boru Douthwaite, Principal, Boru Consult, County Mayo, Ireland

       Nathalie Gilbert,* Champlain Local Health Integration Network, Ottawa, Canada

       Michael A. Harnar, Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary PhD in Evaluation, Western Michigan University, USA

       Joan LaFrance, Principal, Mekinak Consulting, Seattle, USA

       Sofya Malik, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at University of Toronto, Canada

       Barbara Rosenstein, Independent Researcher, Gan Yavne, Israel

       Lyn Shulha,* Professor Emerita, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, Canada

       Laurie Stevahn, Professor, College of Education, Seattle, USA

       Stephanie Sutherland, Independent Researcher, Toronto, Canada

       Bessa Whitmore,* Professor Emerita, School of Social Work, Carleton University, Canada

      About the Editor

      J. Bradley Cousins is Professor Emeritus of Evaluation at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. Cousins’ main interests are in program evaluation include participatory and collaborative approaches, use, and capacity building. He received his Ph.D. in educational measurement and evaluation from the University of Toronto in 1988. Throughout his career, he has received several awards for his work in evaluation including the Contribution to Evaluation in Canada award (CES, 1999), the Paul F. Lazarsfeld award for theory in evaluation (AEA, 2008), and the AERA Research on Evaluation ‘Distinguished Scholar Award’ (2011). Most recently, he won the Research on Evaluation Award (AEA, 2018). Cousins has published many articles and books on evaluation and was Editor of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation from 2002 to 2010. Throughout his career, he has had considerable experience planning, delivering, and evaluating evaluation training and capacity building in Canada and abroad. Internationally, he has led and continues to lead evaluation capacity building initiatives in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and South America. Cousins completed a 3.5-year term as director of the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS) at the University of Ottawa 2015. He continues to be an active member of CRECS, which has a strong mandate for research and evaluation capacity building. For more information, visit

      Part A Introduction

      1 Situating Evidence-Based Principles to Guide Practice in Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation (CAE)

      J. Bradley Cousins, University of Ottawa

      Lyn Shulha, Queen’s University

      Elizabeth Whitmore, Carleton University

      Hind Al Hudib, Independent Researcher, Ottawa1

      Nathalie Gilbert, Champlain Local Health Integration Network, Ottawa

      1 Much of the work on this chapter was completed while H. Al Hudib and N. Gilbert were doctoral candidates at the University of Ottawa.

      Years ago, somewhere around 2011–12, some members of our research team began to converse about our common interests in evaluation. Specifically, on different occasions and usually in dyads, Brad Cousins, Bessa Whitmore, and Lyn Shulha discussed recent developments in our field and how these aligned or misaligned with our own perspectives. Some of our discussions had to do with the consequences of evaluation, particularly issues associated with enhancing process use, use of evaluation findings, and leveraging social change. Sometimes we talked about research on evaluation (RoE), particularly about how to support and grow such activity. But mostly, our conversations touched on evaluation practice near and dear to our hearts: participatory and collaborative approaches. The conversation developed over time in spits and starts and eventually was enhanced through our sponsorship of two American Evaluation Association (AEA) think tank sessions (2011, 2012). Ultimately, we decided to coauthor a paper that we hoped would pique some interest and dialogue about direction for the field. In that article (Cousins, Whitmore, & Shulha, 2013) published a year later, we laid out some arguments

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