The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Группа авторов

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The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology - Группа авторов

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Georges J. 2004. “Culture of Life’ Politics at the Bedside-The Case of Terri Schiavo.” New England Journal of Medicine 352: 1710–1715.

      4 Annas, Georges J and Frances H Miller. 1994. “The Empire of Death: How Culture and Economics Affect Informed Consent in the US, the UK, and in Japan.” American Journal of Law & Medicine 20(4): 357–394.

      5 Anspach, Renée. 1993. Deciding Who Lives: Fateful Choices in the Intensive Care Nursery. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

      6 Anspach, Renée. 2010. “The Hostile Takeover of Bioethics by Religious Conservatives and the Counteroffensive.” Pp. 144–169 in Social Movements and the Transformation of American Health, edited by C. Banaszak-Holl Jane, R. Levitsky Sandra, and N. Zald Mayer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

      7 Aulisio, Mark, Robert Arnold, and Stuart Youngner. 2000. “Health Care Ethics Consultation: A Position Paper from the Society for Health and Human Values–Society for Bioethics Consultation Task Force on Standards for Bioethics Consultation.” Annals of Internal Medicine 133(1):59–69.

      8 Beauchamp, Tom and James Childress. 1979. Principles of Biomedical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.

      9 The Belmont Report. 1979.

      10 Borry, Pascal, Paul Schotsmans, and Kris Dierickx. 2004. “What Is the Role of Empirical Research in Bioethical Reflection and Decision-making? an Ethical Analysis.” Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7(1):41–53.

      11 Borry, Pascal, Paul Schotsmans, and Kris Dierickx. 2005. “The Birth of the Empirical Turn in Bioethics.” Bioethics 19(1):49–71.

      12 Bosk, Charles. 1979. Forgive and Remember: Managing Medical Failure. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

      13 Bosk, Charles. 1992. All God’s Mistakes: Genetic Counseling in a Pediatric Hospital. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

      14 Bosk, Charles. 2002. “Now that We Have the Data. What Was the Question?” American Journal of Bioethics 2(4):21–23.

      15 Bosk, Charles. 2007. “The Sociological Imagination.” Pp. 398–410 in The Handbook of Medical Sociology, 5th ed., edited by E. Bird Chloe, Conrad Peter, and M. Fremont Allen. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

      16 Bosk C. 2008. What Would You Do?: Juggling Bioethics and Ethnography. Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press.

      17 Bosk, Charles and Raymond De Vries. 2008. “Bureaucracies of Mass Deception: Institutional Review Boards and the Ethics of Ethnographic Research.” Pp 187–206 in What Would You Do? the Collision of Ethics and Ethnography, Bosk, Charles. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

      18 Bosk, Charles and Joel Frader. 1998. “Institutional Ethics Committees: Sociological Oxymoron, Empirical Black Box.” Pp. 94–116 in Bioethics and Society: Constructing the Ethical Enterprise, edited by DeVries, Raymond and Subedi Janardan. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

      19 Botti, Simona, Kristina Orfali, and Sheena Iyengar. 2010. “Tragic Choices: Autonomy and Emotional Responses to Medical Decision Making.” Journal of Consumer Research 36:337–352.

      20 Bury, Michael R. 1982. “Chronic Illness as Biographical Disruption.” Sociology of Health & Illness 4(2):167–182.

      21 Callahan, Daniel. 1999. “The Social Sciences and the Task of Bioethics.” Daedalus 128(4):275–294.

      22 Capron, Alexander M. 1999. “What Contributions Have Social Science and the Law Made to the Development of Policy on Bioethics?” Daedalus 128(4):295–325.

      23 Chambliss, Daniel. 1996. Beyond Caring: Hospitals, Nurses, and the Social Organization of Ethics. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

      24 Charmaz, Kathy. 1991. Good Days, Bad Days: The Self in Chronic Illness and Time. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

      25 Charon, Rita and Martha Montello. 2002. Stories Matter. The Role of Narrative in Medical Ethics. New York: Routledge.

      26 Cho, Mildred, Ryo Shohara, Anna Schissel, and Rennie Drummond. 2000. “Policies on Faculty Conflicts of Interest at US Universities.” Journal of American Medical Association (17): 2203–2208.

      27 Churchill, Larry R. 1999. “Are We Professionals? A Critical Look at the Social Role of Bioethicists.” Daedalus 128(4):253–274.

      28 Clark, Jack, Deborah A. Potter, and John B. McKinlay. 1991. “Bringing Social Structure Back into Clinical Decision Making.” Social Science & Medicine 32:853–866.

      29 Cobbs v. Grant, 502 P. 2d 1 (Cal 1972).

      30 Cockerham, William (ed.) 2001. The Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell.

      31 Corrigan, Oona. 2003. “Empty Ethics: The Problem with Informed Consent.” Sociology of Health & Illness 25(7):768–792.

      32 Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990).

      33 De Vries, Raymond. 2004. “How Can We Help? from ‘Sociology In’ Bioethics to ‘Sociology Of’ Bioethics.” Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32(2):279–292.

      34 De Vries, Raymond. 2017. “Regarding Bioethics: A Sociology of Morality.” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60(1):74–92.

      35 De Vries, Raymond, Robert Dingwall, and Kristina Orfali. 2009. “The Moral Organization of the Professions: Bioethics in the United States and France.” Journal of Contemporary Sociology 57(4):555–579.

      36 De Vries, Raymond and Carl P Forsberg. 2002. “What Do IRBs Look Like, What Kind of Support Do They Receive?” Accountability in Research 9:199–216.

      37 De Vries, Raymond, Kerry A Ryan, Aimée Stancyk, Paul S Appelbaum, Laura Damschroder, David S Knopman, and Scott Y H Kim. 2013. “Public’s Approach to Surrogate Consent for Dementia Research: Cautious Pragmatism.” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 21(4):364–372.

      38 De Vries, Raymond and Janatdan Subedi (eds.). 1998. Bioethics and Society: Constructing the Ethical Enterprise. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

      39 De Vries, Raymond, Leigh Turner, Kristina Orfali, and Charles Bosk (eds.). 2007. The View from Here, Bioethics and the Social Sciences. Oxford: Blackwell.

      40 Dresser, Rebecca. 2001. When Science Offers Salvation: Patient Advocacy and Research Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.

      41 Evans, John H. 2002. Playing God? Human Genetic Engineering and the Rationalization of Public Bioethical Debate. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

      42 Evans, John H. 2014. The History and Future of Bioethics: A Sociological View. New York: Oxford.

      43 Faden, Ruth R. 2004. “Bioethics: A Field in Transition.” Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32(2):276–278.

      44 Fassin, Eric. 2012. “Introduction. Sous La Bioéthique, La Bio-politique.”

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