The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Группа авторов

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The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology - Группа авторов

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‘Economies of Resistance’ and the ‘Resistance of Economies’.” Palgrave Communications 4(1): 1–8.

      9 Brumberg, Joan, Jacobs. 1998. The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls. New York: Vintage Press.

      10 Bury, Mike. 1982. Chronic illness as biographical disruption. Sociology of Health & Illness 4(2): 167–182.

      11 Busfield, Joan. 2017. “The Concept of Medicalisation Reassessed.” Sociology of Health & Illness 39(5): 759–774.

      12 Butler, Judith. 1990. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. London: Routledge.

      13 Butler, Judith. 2015. Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.

      14 Carel, Havi. 2016. Phenomenology of Illness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

      15 Charmaz, Kathy. 2000. “Experiencing Chronic Illness.” Pp. 277–292 in The Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine, edited by Gary L. Albrecht, Ray Fitzpatrick, and Susan C. Scrimshaw. London: Sage.

      16 Cohen, Ed. 2009. A Body Worth Defending: Immunity, Biopolitics, and the Apotheosis of the Modern Body. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

      17 Connell, Raewyn. 2012. “Gender, Health and Theory: Conceptualizing the Issue, in Local and World Perspective.” Social Science & Medicine 74(11): 1675–1683.

      18 Cooley, C. H. 1902. Human Nature and Social Order. New York: Charles Scribner & Sons.

      19 Crossley, Nick. 1995. “Merleau-Ponty, the Elusive Body and Carnal Sociology.” Body & Society 1(1): 43–64.

      20 Crossley, Nick. 2006. Reflexive Embodiment in Contemporary Society. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

      21 Csordas, Thomas J. 1994. Embodiment and Experience: The Existential Ground of Culture and Self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      22 Davis, Mark, Paul. Flowers, Lohm Davina, Waller Emily, and Stephenson Niamh. 2016. “Immunity, Biopolitics and Pandemics: Public and Individual Responses to the Threat to Life.” Body & Society 22(4): 130–154.

      23 Douglas, Mary. 1966. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

      24 Douglas, Mary. 1970. Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology. London: Cresset Press.

      25 Douglas, Mary. 1986. Risk Acceptability according to the Social Sciences. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

      26 Duden, Barbera. 1993. Disembodying Women: Perspectives on Pregnancy and the Unborn. London: Harvard University Press.

      27 Dumit, Josef. 2010. “A Digital Image of the Category of the Person.” Pp. 367–376 in A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities, edited by Byron J. Good, M.J. Michael, Sarah S. Willen Fischer, and Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

      28 Durkheim, Emile. 1982. Rules of Sociological Method, edited by S. Lukes, translated by W. D. Halls. New York: The Free Press.

      29 Elias, Norbert. 1978. The Civilizing Process. Vol. 1: The History of Manners. Oxford: Blackwell.

      30 Elias, Norbert. 1982. The Civilizing Process. Vol. 2: State Formation and Civilization. Oxford: Blackwell.

      31 Elstad, Jon I. 1998. “The Psycho-Social Perspective on Social Inequalities in Health.” Sociology of Health & Illness 20(5): 598–618.

      32 Engman, Athena. 2019. “Embodiment and the Foundation of Biographical Disruption.” Social Science & Medicine 225: 120–127.

      33 Esposito, Roberto. 2008. Bios: Biopolitics and Philosophy. Minnesota, MI: University of Minnesota Press.

      34 Ettorre, Elizabeth (eds). 2010. Culture, Bodies and the Sociology of Health. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

      35 Foucault, Michel. 1976. The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. London: Tavistock.

      36 Foucault, Michel. 1979. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

      37 Foucault, Michel. 1981. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

      38 Frank, Arthur W. 1992. “Twin Nightmares of the Medical Simulacrum: Jean Baudrillard and David Cronenberg.” in Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, edited by Willaim Stearns and William Chaloupka. London: Macmillan.

      39 Freund, Pete E. S. 1990. “The Expressive Body: A Common Ground for the Sociology of Emotions and Health and Illness.” Sociology of Health & Illness 12(4): 452–477.

      40 Giddens, Anthony. 1991. Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge: Polity Press.

      41 Gill, R., Henwood, K. and McLean, C., 2005. Body Projects and the Regulation of Normative Masculinity. Body & Society 11(1): 37–62.

      42 Goffman, Ervin. 1959. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

      43 Heritage, John. 1984. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity Press.

      44 James, Alison and Jenny Hockey. 2007. Embodying Health Identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

      45 Lawler, Jocalyn. 1991. Behind the Screens: Nursing Somology and the Problem of the Body. London: Churchill Livingstone.

      46 Lawton, Julia. 1998. “Contemporary Hospice Care: The Sequestration of the Unbounded Body and ‘Dirty Dying’.” Sociology of Health & Illness 20(2): 121–143.

      47 Leder, Drew. 1990. The Absent Body. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.

      48 Leder, Drew. 1992. “Introduction.” Pp. 1–12 in The Body in Medical Thought and Practice, edited by Drew Leder. London: Kluwer Academic.

      49 Lie, Mabel, Ruth Graham, Stephen Robson, and Paul Griffiths. 2019. “‘He Looks Gorgeous’–iu MR Images and the Transforming of Foetal and Parental Identities.” Sociology of Health & Illness 41(2): 360–377.

      50 Longhurst, Robyn. 2001. Bodies: Exploring Fluid Boundaries. London: Routledge.

      51 Lupton, Deborah. 2016. The Quantified Self. London: John Wiley & Sons.

      52 Martin, Emily. 1989. The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

      53 Martin, Emily. 1994. Flexible Bodies: The Role of Immunity in American Culture from the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

      54 Mason, Katherine. 2013. “Social Stratification and the Body: Gender, Race, and Class.” Sociology Compass 7(8): 686–698.

      55 Mead, George Herbert. 1967. Mind, Self and Society. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.

      56 National Library of Medicine. 2008. “The Visible Human Project.” National Library

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