Science in Short Chapters. W. Mattieu Williams
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I need only refer Mr. Proctor to his own recently published book on the Sun, where he will find on plates 4, 5, and 6 a number of drawings from Zöllner and Respighi, which so thoroughly confirm my necessary theoretical deductions that they might be a series of fancy sketches of my own. When we consider that the base of a prominence is only visible when it happens to start exactly from the limb of the sun, while the vastly greater proportion of those which are observed, and have been drawn, have much of the stem cut off from view by the solar rotundity, the evidence afforded by such drawings in support of my theoretical deduction, that the typical form of the solar prominences is that of a palm-tree or bursting rocket, is greatly strengthened.7
In a paper by P. Secchi, dated Rome, March 20, 1871, and published in the “Comptes Rendus,” March 27, this veteran solar observer speaks of the prominences as composed of jets, which, “upon reaching a certain elevation, stop and whirl upon themselves, giving birth to a brilliant cloud.” This cloud is represented as spreading out on all sides from the summit of the combined jets. Again he says, “It is very common to see a little jet spot at a certain elevation above the chromosphere, and there spread itself out into a wide hat (“un large chapeau”) of an absolutely nebulous constitution.” This outspreading nebulosity is the flash of the incandescent vapors produced by the explosion which is theoretically demanded by my explanation to occur exactly in the manner and place described. These expanded incandescent gases will be rendered visible by the spectroscopic dilution of the continuous spectrum of the denser photosphere, while the solid projectiles that must proceed from them in every direction can only be seen during a solar eclipse.
The observations and drawings of Zöllner and Respighi were, for the most part, made while my book was in the press, and, like those of Secchi above quoted, were unknown to me when I wrote; I was then only able to quote, in support of my theoretical requirements, the evidences of actually observed tangential ejection afforded by Sir John Herschel’s account of the great solar storm of September 1, 1859.
Besides this direct tangential projection there are other elements of motion contributing to the same result, such as the whirl of the prominences on themselves, their motion of translation on the sun’s disk, and the rotation of the sun itself.
I must now bring this sketch to a close by stating that, in order to submit the fundamental question of an universal atmosphere to an experimentum crucis analogous to that by which Pascal tested the atmospheric theory of Torricelli, I have calculated the theoretical density of the atmosphere of the moon and of each of the planets, and compared the results as severely as I could with the observed facts. As Jupiter is 27,100 times heavier than the moon, and between these wide extremes there are six planets presenting great variations of mass, the probabilities of accidental coincidence are overwhelmingly against me, and a close concurrence of observed telescopic refraction and other phenomena with the theoretical atmospheric density must afford the strongest possible confirmation of the soundness of the basis of my whole argument. Such a concurrence exists, and some new and very curious light is unexpectedly thrown upon the meteorology of Mars and the constitution of the larger planets. The latter, if I am right, must be miniature suns, permanently red or white-hot, must be something like a photosphere, surrounded by a sphere of vapor (the outside of which we see), must have mimic spot vortices and prominences, and in the case of Saturn must eject volleys of meteoric matter, some of which should finally settle down into orbital paths, and thus produce the rings.
These are startling conclusions, and when I reached them they were utterly at variance with general astronomical opinion, but I find since their publication that some astronomers have already shown considerable readiness to adopt them. In my case this view of the solar constitution of the larger planets is not a matter of mere opinion, or guessing, or probability, but it follows of necessity, and as stated on page 200, “the great mystery of Saturn’s rings is resolved into a simple consequence, a demonstrable and necessary result of the operation of the familiar forces, whose laws of action have been demonstrated here upon the earth by experimental investigation in our laboratories. No strained hypotheses of imaginary forces are required, no ethers or other materials are demanded, beyond those which are beneath our feet and around our heads here upon our own planet; all that is necessary is to grant that the well-known elements and compounds of the chemist, and the demonstrated forces of the experimental physicist, exist and operate in the places, and have the quantities and modes of distribution described by the astronomer; this simple postulate admitted, these wondrous appendages spring into rational existence, and like the eternal fires of the sun, the barren surface of the moon, the dry valleys of Mercury, the hazy equivocations of Venus, the seas and continents and polar glaciers of Mars, and the cloud-covered face of Jupiter, follow as necessary consequences of an universal atmosphere.”
If I am right in ascribing a gaseous condition to the sun and the larger planets, and tracing the maintenance of this condition to the disturbing gravitation of the attendant planets or satellites, a solution of the riddle of the nebulæ at once presents itself. We have only to suppose a star cluster or group composed of orbs of solar or great planetary dimensions, and that these act mutually upon each other as the planets on our sun, or the satellites upon Saturn, but in a far more violent degree owing to the far greater relative masses of the reacting elements, and we obtain the conditions under which great gaseous orbs would be not merely pitted on their surface, but riven to their very centres, moulded and shaped throughout by the whirling hurricane of their whole substance. When thus in the centre of a tornado of opposing gravitations the tortured orb would be twisted bodily into a huge vorticose crater, into the bowels of which the aqueous vapor would be dragged and dissociated, and then, entangled with the inner matter of the riven sphere, would be hurled upwards, again to burst forth in an explosion of such magnitude that the original body would be measurably presented as a mere appendage, the rocket case of the flood of fire it had vomited forth.
The reader must complete the picture. If he will take a little trouble in doing so he will find that it becomes a portrait of one or the other of the nebulæ, according to the kind of intergravitating star-cluster from which he starts. I have endeavored to work out some of the details of the nebular conditions in Chapter xx. In Chapter xxi. I have concluded by showing the analogy between a sun and the hydro-electric machine, the sun being the cylinder and the prominences the steam jets. If issuing jets of high-pressure steam have the same properties at a distance of 93 millions of miles from the earth as upon its surface, the body of the sun and the issuing steam must be in opposite electrical conditions, and furious electrical excitation must result; and if the laws of electrical induction are constant throughout the universe, the earth must be as necessarily subject to solar electrical influence as to his thermal radiations. Thus the same reasoning which explains the origin and maintenance of the solar heat and light, the sun-spots, the photosphere, the chromosphere, the sierra, the prominences, the zodiacal light, the aerolites and asteroids; the meteorology of the planets and the rings of Saturn, also shows how the electrical disturbances which produce the aurora borealis and direct the needle may originate.
Electrical theories of the corona and zodiacal light, and their connection of some kind with the aurora borealis, have been put forth in many shapes, but so far as I have learned none afford any explanation of the origin of the electrical disturbance. Without this they are like the vortices of Descartes, which explained the movements of the planets by supposing another kind of motion still more incomprehensible.
Explanations which are more difficult to explain than the phenomena they propose to elucidate only obscure the light of true science, and stand as impedimente to the progress of sound philosophy.